Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Hello happy hump day! I'm almost a week behind! 
I took my computer with me on my trip but only used it when I was on a lay over. 

It wasn't too painful logging into work today after 6 days off. I'm pretty much caught up with work other than mailing things out. I'll have to go into the office for that tomorrow. 

onto my trip!

We got up Friday morning at o'dark o'clock. 
Really at 2:30 but sheesh. We were on the road at 3am for the SF airport. 

My flight left around 6 I think and flew to Chicago. I think I slept for a good chunk of it. We were 3 to a row so hopefully I didn't snore too bad. 

We flew past the airport and then kind of low over the water. I have flown to this airport a few times now.

White Sox stadium

I had like a 3 hour layover in Chicago. I found Scott's namesake. 

Weed donation box

Salad anyone?

Got this weird bowl for lunch. There was some rice under that. It was ok.

Thought about buying a giraffe 

The airplane hanging out was cool. Too many people hanging around to read all the info though. Also a VERY LOUD band playing near here. 

It was dark when I flew into Connecticut 

My friend Kristin who I went to see and her daughter picked me up and then we went to get something to eat. We tried the Wayback Burger. The pictures did not look like the real thing. It was ok, could have used a bit more flavor. 

I requested Espresso Martini's at least once for my stay so we hit the Big Y and got a few things. Ask and you shall receive!

yummy! Just like I remembered.

How cozy is her living room?

My guest bed made up all pretty. 

A long day but so fun to be with my friend again!

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Wednesday, October 9, 2024


Good morning happy Wednesday!

Monday night I had bunco and I won! TWICE! I got the most buncos and the most losses so I won $35! It's $5 to play so really I came home $30 richer lol.

Tuesday I had to go into the office. My craft show stuff came with me since I never did get my car unloaded. Still have to do that today.

My favorite time of the day in the office. Good Lord nothing like being blinded for about 3 minutes.

After work I ran to the store and got some stuff for dinner then came home and cleaned up. This box of cereal didn't help AT ALL when it fell off the counter. Although it did try to put itself where it belongs. TRASH. Obviously not my cereal lol

Yesterday was Daniel's 4th birthday. His parents took him to the SF Zoo for a one on one day. Jess said he liked this area the most.

They took him to the beach after but unfortunately it was a you can't swim in the ocean beach. I guess he wasn't too happy about that. 

After they got home they went and got the siblings from the other Grandpa's house and then came over for some hot dogs and pizza. I think little Nate is the only kid that ate lol.

I showed Daniel his new toy I got him when he came in and he said WOW! lol so that was a hit. He took it home with him. 

We sang happy birthday to him and he blew out the candle but didn't eat the cupcake lol

Going to watch the kids for a little bit today so Jess can go get her blood work done. I really need to take a shower so I should do that in a minute. Also need to go get a few things for my trip on Friday! I am going to have to go to town after work. Tomorrow I might go into the office and then I have darts after. My flight Friday morning leaves at 6am so there won't be a whole lot of sleeping Thursday night. 

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Monday, October 7, 2024


Good morning happy Monday!

Here is my booth from yesterday at the Lodi Street Faire. It was super hot (100) so the attendance was down quite a bit. We started to melt around 2:30 so slowly packed up and drove out 3 minutes before we were supposed to and got yelled at for moving the closed road sign over to get out lol. 

The cookie people didn't sell out

and the salsa people didn't sell out either. I think that was a first for them they both usually sell out early.

My mom and niece Adrian came with me. I hung out at my mom's after til about 8:30 then came home and passed out. I barely slept Saturday night since Scott decided to snore next to me all night instead of on the couch like he usually does. I got up at 4 to get ready too. I still need to unload my car today. Yuck. I was thinking about putting everything in the shed instead of in my room. I think I might do that. I have another show on November 4th so it won't be out there for a long time before it gets pulled out again. It's so nice not having all the boxes on the side of my bed.

Side note look at this McFlurry I got the other day. $4.99 and they only filled 1/2 the cup and didn't even stir it. Not like I need all that but they should at least give you what you pay for.

Tonight I have Bunco so need to figure out what I'm taking there. Also going to have a little dinner for Daniel tomorrow night. He's FOUR tomorrow. His party is on the 19th but we still have to have dinner. Just going to have hot dogs probably. I have to go to work in the office tomorrow so we'll just be simple.

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Saturday, October 5, 2024


Helloo happy Saturday!! 
I should be working on packing my car for tomorrow but it's 95 outside. Blah.

Last night Jess borrowed my car and I took hers down to the clubhouse for darts. Only 6K to go to get to 300K. Not too shabby for paying $8k for it 12 years ago. Scott has fixed some stuff on it but the engine hasn't been touched. It really is time to retire it though. 

Scott's car he uses for commuting is the same kind of car (Chevy HHR) and it has 375 THOUSAND miles on it. So crazy. It's going to die soon so I think we will get me a new used car (a bigger one than I have now) and then he can use my current car to commute. I want to get a bigger car so I can take the grandkids with me if I go somewhere and also for if I do craft shows etc. 

For darts we won 3 out 7 games so we lost overall. Boooo. Also I got my "prize money" for the summer games. $12 lmao. Rich! I hung out til about 10:30 talking to people out on the patio. The guy on my team who got the husky had her with him. She just got spayed so she had the cone of shame on. She just laid there and accepted pets. So calm! Definitely a mix lol

I finally got Daniel's birthday present. I bought it on eBay and had to go to the postal annex to pick it up. So much fun! 

The lady threw in these plus too, he's going to love them.

Bonus box for Tubz to play in for a bit. She loves boxes.

Scott and I went to town together. We started by going to get him a hair cut, change for tomorrow's event for me (same block of a shopping center), then went to the postal annex, lunch at the new BJ's that opened in town and then the grocery store. The BJ's they just built is the 3rd chain that has been built on this one piece of land by our mall. they just bulldoze the whole dang building and try a new one lol. The music was super loud and like club music which seemed odd for a Saturday with mostly old people eating lunch. Other than that though the food was great! 

The babies yesterday morning. 

How could you resist that face? What do you want? Treats? Ok!

It's a good thing Snookie is small because she is so freaking jealous lol.

I could so go for a nap right now. I have to get up super early tomorrow. I still want to set up my new canopy too since it's a bit different. I don't want to be learning something at 6ish am lol.

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Friday, October 4, 2024


Hello happy FriYEAH!!
Last day of being slow for work. Monday will be FULL STEAM AHEAD with a bunch of stuff to do.

I spent all morning watching the Rug Drama on Tik Tok. That was riveting! Alas no body, just a rug. That's good news at least. Can you imagine if you found a dead body in your back yard?

Yesterday I sewed up 2 sets for the 4 block rag quilts. This one I'll probably put up for sale

and these will be for Daniel. I need to get some more batting (always needs something lol) and I want to put flannel on the back of his, so need that. Maybe tomorrow.

Tina's being cute again today.

I cleaned up my desk, the TV tray, all behind my desk and the edge of the other desk today. Go me!

Things I found:

The trust draft from my mother in law's house. I have been debating about calling the number on there to see if they had any advice as to my in laws estate that my brother in law seems to be living in with his girl friend. They gave me the number of two lawyers. Now to get Scott on board.

The recall for my car from like last year. I guess I should take care of that. Made an apt for that the end of December.

The gift card I bought for one of the kids that they couldn't figure out. Got that figured out and got myself a $50 gift card to BJ's Restaurant now. They just opened one in town so maybe we can go there tomorrow when I need to run some errands.

A bunch of other crap, a layer of dust and the top of the desk. Woohooo. 

Still have the disaster corner to clean up and the top of the pattern file area to clean up and the area by the door to clean up. Just a bit. Such a freaking mess. I just have too much stuff for this small room. 

Darts in a couple hours. I need to take a shower I feel like I have dust all over me.


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Thursday, October 3, 2024


Good morning happy Thursday!

Here is my finished Bluey quilt. It's 44x44"

Sadly some of the fabric on the back faded out weird when I washed it. Bummer. I was thinking about maybe trying to fix it but that's a lot of work lol. 

I cooked a big pork roast thing in the crock pot yesterday. We don't have any bread (for some reason I thought Scott bought it when we went to the store last week) so I put it on tortillas and it was great. 

Doesn't this look fun? I love all the color

Tina is cracking me up in her latest sleeping arrangement

She looks so long!

Trevor put a green light bulb in his room. Actually I think it changes colors. He also fix up a lava lamp and made that green too. It was relaxing looking lol. Pic came out all funky though.

I should probably put these clothes away before I have to wash them all again. It's mostly towels. Tubz says they make a great bed.

I woke up with a huge sinus headache this morning. Please God don't let me get sick for this weekend. Hoping I'm just dehydrated from not drinking much water yesterday. Trevor and I scrounged around and found enough change to refill all our water bottles yesterday afternoon lol. I need to keep some small bills on hand for that. 

No plans for today other than working on some more letters for work. I'll have them all ready to go for when I go into the office again. I should have went in today but I didn't get up early enough and my head hurt. Thought about just calling in but that seems silly when I can just work from home.


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