Hello happy Saturday!
Thursday night for darts my fist time up I got a high ton which was super exciting. It was 2 bulls eyes and a triple 18 for 154 points. I won the whole game on that one and then played like my usual crap after that haha.
Friday I watched the kids until about 3. The baby was a little clingy hopefully he's not getting sick.
He walked from my chair in the kitchen to the couch which is pretty far too! He also climbed up on this little chair but then didn't know what to do with himself lol.
This is Rosie when she gets told she can't stand on the table. Or anything really. She's so dramatic!
After they left I went and laid on my bed. Aunt Flo really did a number on me this time. Probably anemic from losing so much blood lol. I eventually got back up and cleaned up the toys. Tubz helped. She's such a box kitty.
I debated going to get something to eat but just made myself a pb&j and went back to bed lol. I didn't sleep the whole time but I should be well rested now. I got up at 5am to go to the bathroom and unstick my dry eyes. Got a drink of water and went back to bed until 8.
Tonight we are going to go to my brother's house to do dinner for my mom's bday. Chinese food and the good stuff too! Not sure if Jess is going to bring the kids or not since Daniel was coughing a bit.
Not sure what else I'll do with my day. Probably work on some more of the denim and batik squares. I decided to make it into a rag quilt. I laid them out on my bed the other day and decided it needs one more row in each direction. After that I will be almost out of the batik I think. I used up almost all of the 6" denim squares I had cut too. I do still have some 8" ones left though. One way to use it up ;)
Tomorrow my mom and I are going to go see Wicked I think. That was the plan before we had this dinner tonight. I was looking up the movies and there is a Lion King movie in the theater too so might have to take Daniel to see that. If not he'll love it when it's out streaming I'm sure.
Yesterday I got a letter saying Trevor will be aging off my dental & vision insurance on his birthday. They have dropped the age from 23 to 22 on that. I told him we should make him appointments to get the last of it real quick! his birthday is the end of February. I also got a letter about Melissa aging out of my medical insurance 31 days after her birthday this year too. All my kids growing up!
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