Saturday, January 4, 2025


Good morning happy Saturday from my bedroom buddies lol.
Occassionally Tina will come in and lay on the bed but not very often and Tubz never comes into the bedroom lol.

Yesterday the kids came over while their mom worked. Only took one pic of Mr Nate having some breakfast. I think Snookie ate more of it than he did.

After they went home I finished cutting up the rest of the jeans. I'm glad to be done with that!

I decided to play with the seams first. I got them all somewhat sewn together before the dogs said it was time for bed. I didn't do anything with the black ones yet since there aren't as many. Might just toss those.

I was thinking of trying to make a bag with them. Have to see if I have enough to make it work. 

But first I need to make a menu and a grocery list and then take a shower. We are almost out of TP so have to go to the store today lol.

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Friday, January 3, 2025



Good morning happy Friday!
Geeze I'm having a horrible time this morning centering my text.
Are you tired of seeing denim yet? I'm almost done deconstructing it all.

I just have the last box worth of the upper parts of the jeans to cut apart (I had just cut the legs off in the beginning)

The top stack is 6" squares and there are quite a few of them so I am thinking I will make one more quilt with those. Possible cut the 8" ones down to 6" if I need more.

Yesterday I got the Christmas tree taken down and all of Christmas put in the shed. Plus the tables and chairs and outgrown baby bouncers. Go me! Also did a bit of laundry but have to work on that some more. Of course after it's all done I found a few things on top of the fridge so might have to take those out and put them in a box (bags for cookie giving). 

I vacuumed the house and sorted the kids toys out into 4 little bins I got at the dollar store. Daniel is probably not going to like the doesn't have one big bin to dump on the floor lol.

Dinner last night, chicken and rice with some corn and peas since that was the only vegetable left in the freezer.

Today will probably be a long day of babysitting once the kids get here. Their mom has a dr appointment later today too. She has my car since her battery was dead this morning so the kid will have to be delivered once they all wake up.

Hopefully Scott can help her with the battery tomorrow.  Sunday is babysitting too so we'll have lots of kids time this weekend :) Definitely need to go to the grocery store soon. I ran yesterday on my lunch and just got coffee and cat food. Almost out of TP now!

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Thursday, January 2, 2025


Good morning happy Thursday! 
Apparently one of the office bosses is back from vacation today and finally reading emails from like the whole month. Here I thought today would be quiet lol.

Yesterday I finished the denim quilt

Sadly the flannel pilled up a bit so I ordered a sweater shaver to clean it up a bit. Haven't used one of those in forever. 

I spent the rest of the day cutting down the leftover parts for one of the boxes. Two more to go!

But I have to put away the Christmas stuff today since no one is on the couch for the day and go to the grocery store since we are out of coffee (THE HORROR) and dry cat food. 

Poor Snookie someone is always stealing her bed. I am going to go to Wal Mart and get a couple more I think.


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Wednesday, January 1, 2025


Hello happy New Year!! Welcome 2025!

I worked on my denim quilt all day yesterday. I am almost done. I tried to arrange the colors in a bit of a pattern

I sew a row at a time and I come back to see this. Little helpers...

I almost made it to midnight but I got done cutting around the edges and Snookie was like Mom I'm so tired why are you still up lol

Trevor rode his motorcycle to work yesterday and then for the first time ever met up with some people after work. At a bar. So Scott was up at like 2 am putting his clothes on to maybe go get him but eventually he came home. Dang kids making us older by the minute. 

Tina sitting so cute in this little basket.

My house is starting off 2025 with a mess. I guess Scott didn't make any resolutions to get his clothes IN the basket. Don't mind my floor still waiting 2000 years for Scott to fix the back door in my room so we can move on to flooring...

Once I get done hyper fixating on this denim quilt I will put away the Christmas stuff and clean up. The kids will be here on Friday and Sunday this week so I need to get the crap cleaned up by Friday morning for sure haha.

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