Good morning happy Saturday from my bedroom buddies lol.
Occassionally Tina will come in and lay on the bed but not very often and Tubz never comes into the bedroom lol.
Yesterday the kids came over while their mom worked. Only took one pic of Mr Nate having some breakfast. I think Snookie ate more of it than he did.
After they went home I finished cutting up the rest of the jeans. I'm glad to be done with that!
I decided to play with the seams first. I got them all somewhat sewn together before the dogs said it was time for bed. I didn't do anything with the black ones yet since there aren't as many. Might just toss those.
I was thinking of trying to make a bag with them. Have to see if I have enough to make it work.
But first I need to make a menu and a grocery list and then take a shower. We are almost out of TP so have to go to the store today lol.
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