Friday, October 4, 2024


Hello happy FriYEAH!!
Last day of being slow for work. Monday will be FULL STEAM AHEAD with a bunch of stuff to do.

I spent all morning watching the Rug Drama on Tik Tok. That was riveting! Alas no body, just a rug. That's good news at least. Can you imagine if you found a dead body in your back yard?

Yesterday I sewed up 2 sets for the 4 block rag quilts. This one I'll probably put up for sale

and these will be for Daniel. I need to get some more batting (always needs something lol) and I want to put flannel on the back of his, so need that. Maybe tomorrow.

Tina's being cute again today.

I cleaned up my desk, the TV tray, all behind my desk and the edge of the other desk today. Go me!

Things I found:

The trust draft from my mother in law's house. I have been debating about calling the number on there to see if they had any advice as to my in laws estate that my brother in law seems to be living in with his girl friend. They gave me the number of two lawyers. Now to get Scott on board.

The recall for my car from like last year. I guess I should take care of that. Made an apt for that the end of December.

The gift card I bought for one of the kids that they couldn't figure out. Got that figured out and got myself a $50 gift card to BJ's Restaurant now. They just opened one in town so maybe we can go there tomorrow when I need to run some errands.

A bunch of other crap, a layer of dust and the top of the desk. Woohooo. 

Still have the disaster corner to clean up and the top of the pattern file area to clean up and the area by the door to clean up. Just a bit. Such a freaking mess. I just have too much stuff for this small room. 

Darts in a couple hours. I need to take a shower I feel like I have dust all over me.


Thursday, October 3, 2024


Good morning happy Thursday!

Here is my finished Bluey quilt. It's 44x44"

Sadly some of the fabric on the back faded out weird when I washed it. Bummer. I was thinking about maybe trying to fix it but that's a lot of work lol. 

I cooked a big pork roast thing in the crock pot yesterday. We don't have any bread (for some reason I thought Scott bought it when we went to the store last week) so I put it on tortillas and it was great. 

Doesn't this look fun? I love all the color

Tina is cracking me up in her latest sleeping arrangement

She looks so long!

Trevor put a green light bulb in his room. Actually I think it changes colors. He also fix up a lava lamp and made that green too. It was relaxing looking lol. Pic came out all funky though.

I should probably put these clothes away before I have to wash them all again. It's mostly towels. Tubz says they make a great bed.

I woke up with a huge sinus headache this morning. Please God don't let me get sick for this weekend. Hoping I'm just dehydrated from not drinking much water yesterday. Trevor and I scrounged around and found enough change to refill all our water bottles yesterday afternoon lol. I need to keep some small bills on hand for that. 

No plans for today other than working on some more letters for work. I'll have them all ready to go for when I go into the office again. I should have went in today but I didn't get up early enough and my head hurt. Thought about just calling in but that seems silly when I can just work from home.


Wednesday, October 2, 2024


Good morning happy Wednesday!
We're having ANOTHER freaking heat wave here. I'm probably going to die on Sunday. It's supposed to be like 97 now. Stupid. 

I finished up this baby quilt I was working on. It's currently in the dryer. Can't wait to see what it looks like when it's done.

Now I've been cutting up some lion & safari fabrics I've been saving for Daniel. I ordered some fancy scissors that are supposed to be good for rag quilting. They don't come until Saturday I think. Hope they work good. 

I worked in the office yesterday. Half the system is down but I was able to use the other half to get quite a few packets done. I still have a bunch to do. Nice to be busy!