Monday, October 21, 2024


Hello happy Monday! We made it to another week. Finally caught up all my old posts so if you're bored there is a lot to catch up on ;)

After the party on Saturday I went home and laid on my bed for awhile before just going to sleep. Simon had extra snuggles. 

She kept bringing me this little ball and if I wasn't paying attention she'd bark at me lol. 

The kids came over bright and early in the morning so we had some breakfast, lunch and snacks while they were here. Have to restock the grandma snacks. They ate about 1/2 a bag of popsicles lol.

Rosie was a little cranky here and there but then she took a long nap so she was probably just tired.

Little man took two little naps. 

He is so stinking cute! He's started to be vocal and does some baby jabber and squeals.

He loves the walker and was trying to play with Daniel

I took them home after Rosie woke up from her nap and got some of the leftovers from Jessica's house. Played with the kids at their house a little bit and then came home and worked on my blog for most of the evening. 

Now today I need to do some laundry, pack and eventually drive to Sacramento where we are having an all California employees meeting/training all week. Booooo. The actual stuff is Tuesday-Thursday but I am going tonight so I don't have to get up super early. If I have time I might stop by Costco and see if they can straighten out my glasses a bit. They got a little bent yesterday playing with the kids. Honestly I'd rather stay home all week and sew haha.

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