Sunday, October 20, 2024


Look at that another vacation post! 
On Monday (10/14), Columbus day AKA Indigenous People's Day we got back in the car and went back to Massachusetts but this time we were headed to Boston!

Oh before that they were out of milk so we attempted to go to Starbucks for like an hour and there was none? We even tried a mom and pop coffee place but the line was like 45 minutes long so we scrapped that. Eventually we found one and got a coffee and a breakfast sandwich.

I think we got a little bit lost on the way, the freeways there in Boston are crazy. One minute you're underground then your on a bridge but wait what way do you turn off and oh there is that bridge again but now we're going the other direction haha.

Eventually we got to the area she wanted to go.

We spent most of our time in this area here and then walking trying to find something to eat.

Originally we walked through here at the Quincy house but we weren't ready to eat yet. There were so many places to choose from!

Faneuil Hall Marketplace, where they have bathrooms but don't have any toilet paper (all day we tried 2x)

This Holocaust Memorial was amazing. Part of it was closed off but you still got the deep meaning of it.

On the glass pains are all the numbers assigned to people. There were so many it was really a great visual of how horrible it was. 

This is how Kristin walks lol. I'm like why are you walking so fast??? I'd have to wait for her to stop or do a little jog to catch up.

We ended up going to this place to eat. Then we decided to just get a drink and an appetizer since it was a bit spendy. It was so good though we should have just got a full meal. Although we were pretty full after we ate the charcuterie board. The meats and cheese on there were so good!

I told Kristin to order me something without pineapple in it and she got me the Apple Fizz. It was pretty good.

I think she got the pumpkin one

I'd definitely go here again! Libertine was the name of the place. 

After that we walked around some more. Went to the car and ditched the umbrella I'd been carrying since my weather app said it was done raining. What a freaking liar that was.  

We ended up going to an Irish pub that Kristin's sister recommended. There was no where to sit when we got there so we ordered some drinks. One round was almost $40!!! So one round was all we had there lol. Eventually a little table opened up so we sat there for a little bit. The place was so cute but a bit too spendy for me. Give me my $4 drinks from my club bar haha.

After awhile we went back to that Quincy market place (and tried to go to the bathroom at that other no toilet paper place) and got some pizza before heading home. We also got a big ice cream sandwich that I actually threw part away because it was so huge. 

Our view while eating pizza

On the way back to the car it was POURING. So that was a fun drive home.

Kristin said we walked 16,000 steps that day and I believe it! 

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