Monday, September 30, 2024


Good morning happy last day of the fiscal year Monday. 

Snookie taking a nap with Nate. She loves babies. 
Big kids not so much haha.

Trevor torturing Tina. I think she likes it. She's such a weirdo.

Fancy dinner. Tuna and Tomato soup. I ate this every day for like a year when I was in high school with my friend Audra for lunch or and afternoon snack. I can't remember which one it was lol. We ate it at her house. 

This week will be a dead work week with the exception on working on packets to mail out but I kind of have to be in the office for that. So tomorrow will be busy ;)

So far nothing else exciting going on. Scott is off today so he made us breakfast. I think he's back in his spot on the couch. 

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Sunday, September 29, 2024


Hello happy Sunday! As usual I'm wishing I was off work tomorrow already. If it wasn't the last day of the fiscal year I maybe would have just been like cough cough I think I'm sick. Well probably not I don't really ever do that.

Yesterday Scott and I went and met my cousin Tim and his daughter Ashley at Chili's for lunch. We had a nice lunch and Ashley was like I didn't come all the way here just to hang out in a hotel so lets have dinner too lol.  I had Scott take our picture outside Chili's just in case I didn't end up seeing them later. 

So since I was going to the store anyways she sent me a list with some stuff so they could make dinner at my Aunt's house. We dropped that off on the way home. Scott tapped out on going to my Aunt's with me. I was like her house is so small he's going to last like 30 minutes and want to go home so I was like you don't have to go..

Here is my Aunt Judy with her "kids". My Uncle is still in the hospital and supposed to come home Monday with IV antibiotics. 

Tim, Kim, Aunt Judy & Mike

Ashley & Tim (her dad), Kayla and Kim (her mom), Aunt Judy, Mike and Brandon (his son). They all have a bunch more kids but that is who was there. 

and then there was some random guy who showed up and said he'd take the picture so all of us in there. 

Kathy Tim's wife, Tim, Ahsley, Kim, Aunt Judy, Mike, Me and Brandon. They all got the skinny gene from Aunt Judy's side of the family apparently lol.

I stayed til after 10, I kept looking at a clock and it said 9:30 and it was really like 10:30 lol. She has about 100 clocks and 1000 dolls in her house. 

Here is Tina earlier in the day being a fat baby. 

So I missed the dart awards but that's ok. Being with family was great. I guess we came in last place! Whoops lol. Hopefully we do better for the fall season! Looks like we have darts on Friday night this week. 

My paycheck gets direct deposited and I apparently I got a bonus so that is good. I've been making a lot of mistakes lately so I was like they're probably going to fire me let alone give me a bonus haha. I hate that we have this area boss person now and that I have to send things to her for approval and she sees stuff I miss. Usually it is not me making the actual mistake, just not catching what someone else did. Not really a job that I'm used to having to do since I used to work with an office boss that actually knew what she was doing most of the time. 12 more years til retirement. Hopefully I can hang lol.


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Saturday, September 28, 2024


Hello happy Sunday!

Thursday night the kids came over for awhile. Popsicles for everyone! He ate almost the whole thing, only had the last little bits drop onto the tray lol. He was mad when I took the stick away too. 
He loves this walker he runs in it now. He will be 8 months old in 2 days. 

Last night I made pepper steak for dinner, one batch for us and one for Jessica's house. She's been asking me to make it for her. Trevor cleaned out the leftovers when he got home from work (he usually misses dinner and then eats when he gets home at like 11pm on work days). 

I've been working on cutting squares still from my blue and now cream small scraps. I'm almost done with what I had on my mini rolls then I'm going to turn my attention towards making something. Next weekend is the Lodi Street Faire. I probably should have been working on more products for that but I have a lot already. 

I'm going to go meet my cousin for lunch today. They are here visiting from Texas. I was trying to remember the last time I saw him and it has probably been like 30 years. So crazy. Actually maybe like 20 ish. He was probably at my Grandma's funeral, she died in 2006. My uncle has been in the hospital for a long time with some weird infection in his shoulder. 

So not much lounging time this morning since I slept in til 9 lol. Going to have to take a shower soon.  Oh tonight is our darts award night too so two times going out in one day. I'll probably hit the grocery store for some stuff after lunch too.

The kids are coming in the morning tomorrow so no sleeping in tomorrow ;)

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Thursday, September 26, 2024


Hello happy Thursday!
I started posting here like 3 times but now that stuff is all late.
Work was super busy the last few days uploading files for contracts. Almost done I think we have 3 left to be finished. Everything pretty much shuts down October 1st for a week so that will be easy time.

I've been cleaning up my sewing room a little bit and came across all the scraps from the recent quilt I made so I just got those all cut into squares and strips. Thinking about making something from them. Might go through my mini scrap boxes I have and see if there are some more coordinating colors to add to them. 

That's about all the excitement around here. Isn't that nice? I love when it's not exciting ;)

They scheduled our awards thing for Summer darts for Saturday evening. Nothing like short notice. Probably will be able to make it though unless I end up doing something with my cousin who is here visiting. I think they fly in tonight.

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Monday, September 23, 2024


Hello happy Monday! Currently watching the processing blue circle spin and spin for the work program. So freaking annoying. Someone just sent an email that they are swapping out the server in the main office I work in. Why would you do that the Monday before the end of the fiscal year? Idiots.  Earlier I was uploading and everything just disappeared. That was some glitch somewhere else that took like 1/2 an hour to get fixed. Don't mind me sitting here getting paid to watch shit not work. I guess I get paid the same no matter what right lol.

Friday night's dinner before I went to darts. Cooking a meal and then being the only one home to eat it is kind of depressing. If I lived entirely by myself I'd probably just cook once a week and make freezer meals or something. Or just eat cereal every day.

I went to darts and we lost overall, 3 to 4. One of my dart partners got this dog. Someone found her somewhere and now he has her. No chip and not spayed. She's a husky so probably just got out :( She's super cute though. I hung out after darts chatting with him and petting the dog lol

Saturday I sewed a bunch of coasters and got them ready for my booth. Then Scott and I went to Joanns for fusible fleece, Chili's for dinner and the grocery store to restock the trough. 

Still working on these. I think That is all I will do, that is enough. I'll just put the rest of the stuff I cut into a bag and save it for next year lol.

I opened this cabinet and went back to it and Tina had taken it over. She took a nap in there.  

The kids came over Sunday morning. Daniel relocated from the kitchen to the couch at one point lol. Eventually he got tired of the computer and played with toys and jumped on the couches.

Rosie kept getting apples. Before I could get up to chase her out of the fridge they'd already have a bite lol.

Kid playing ball. Nate can't wait to be big enough to wrestle with his brother.

Nate has the walker figured out good now, he can zoom through the house. He found the mirror yesterday. Don't mind my shitty floor it's waiting for my husband to some day get motivated to replace the back door in my room so every other project can be done.

No plans this week other than going to the office tomorrow. We played this weeks dart game last Friday so that's done. Oh my cousin is coming to town this weekend too so might go see him and I think his daughter and someone else is coming with him. His dad, my uncle Earl is in the hospital with an abscess in his shoulder or something like that. He had a pretty bad infection going from the sounds of it. Hopefully he'll be out by the weekend. 

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Friday, September 20, 2024


Good morning happy Friday!
I got a stack of coasters done last night. Lots to go since you know I always have to do way more than I should lol.

Pork chops for dinner last night. Cooked some brown rice to make a small dent in the 3 bags I have lol. 

I have the last pack of meat on the counter defrosting for dinner tonight then we are out. Darn it. Guess I'll have to go to the store again. I don't really want to go today so maybe tomorrow. Maybe I'll even make a menu..

I have another dart game tonight. The team we were supposed to play last week wanted to play tonight instead. Other than that I'll just be working on my coasters some more.

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Thursday, September 19, 2024


Good morning happy Thursday! 
It's almost the weekend woohoo. Not sure what time I'm babysitting on Sunday. 

Still working on my early stages of coasters. I was frankenbatting (sewing small pieces together) my batting. I thought I had a bunch of the fusible batting but if I do it's buried in my sewing room somewhere. So using the little pieces of that I have hanging around and the other batting I use for quilts.

I cut up a whole chicken and baked it for dinner. I used some lemon pepper seasoning and it turned out pretty good. 

I've been uploading stuff for work and it takes forever between each step so I got a bunch of the kitchen cleaned up and went through a cabinet in between clicks. 

I found one of Daniel's lions in the yard by the road. Totally matched the dead grass out there lol. She got a bath. I bet he was looking for it when he lost it.

We went over to Jessica's at like 10 last night. She had somehow taken the door off her oven while she was cleaning up ants and couldn't get it back on. Scott McGyvered and eventually got it back on. TG he can fix stuff. He's super smart but can't figure out how to stack the dishes in the cabinet or wipe the counter off. I guess it's a trade off haha. 

Daniel was all excited when we got there (he's a night owl like his mom) and went looking for Rosie to tell her we were there. Super cute. She woke up too so hopefully Jess got to sleep for a few hours at some point haha.

Today's plan is more of these uploads and then coaster sewing. Just how I like it, not exciting haha.

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Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Hello happy hump day!
Yesterday in my FB memories was Lucy's gotcha day. Hard to believe she is 12 years old already. You know you've been blogging for a long time when you actually have a post from 12 years ago from when you found her. 

This picture is from like 2 years ago. She's a chubby white cat now.

Yesterday I went to work and took the quilt I made for my co-worker. She loved it and cried. She gave it to her daughter last night. We went to lunch yesterday too so that was nice.

After work I went by Great Wolf Lodge to drop off some swim diapers for Jess. They spent the night there last night with Daniel's award of a free nice room and dinner that he got (He works there). 

Then I came home and went to darts. We won 4 to 3 no thanks to me haha. I didn't hang out afterwards. I just came home, ate a snack and went to bed. 

Here is Tina supervising me when I was in my sewing room for a few minutes yesterday.

I had pulled out all my Halloween & Fall fabrics thinking I could use a bunch up by making some coasters. This is the left overs. I guess I had more than I thought. 

Maybe next year I can use it all haha.

No plans after work today (can't believe it's after 1 already, I've been trying to upload stuff to the work computer all day) so hopefully some sewing is in the near future.

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Monday, September 16, 2024


Good morning happy Monday!
Scott is off today so I'm about to go hide in my sewing room and work in there. 

Yesterday I got the quilt for my coworker washed and packed up for her. 
I like the way it turned out. I'll take it to the office for her tomorrow.

I got this thread rack from my friend Traci's son/daughter in law a few weeks ago. It was full of thread and bobbins. I got all of them moved over to my other thread rack thing and the bobbins in boxes. I put this up on my yard sale site for the club and someone came and got it. Nice when things get picked up right away. They also took the recycling my neighbor keeps giving me. I need to tell them that the kids don't want to take it in anymore. 

Next project! I pulled out all my Fall/Halloween fabrics to make some more coasters. I picked up this top one on one of my trips to Joanns recently. Perfect for coasters!


I went through most of my fabrics but have a few more to go through. 

The kids came over around 2:30 yesterday. Nate loves sitting with Grandpa and watching TV.

Daniel pretty much spent the whole time watching You Tube videos on my computer in the kitchen. He did take a break to dump out the toy box though.

Rosie played in between scrolling on my phone. 

She doesn't fit in the walker very well lol

They went home around 9 and Rosie was definitely tired and ready for bed. She never took a nap which is unlike her. The baby only took a short nap too.

Tomorrow is the first night for the new dart league. I will be going into the office too so a busy day tomorrow. 
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Sunday, September 15, 2024


Good morning happy Sunday!
The kids are coming over today but for the later work shift so I can fart around until 12-1 and then I need to clean. 

Friday night's dinner made in the crock pot. That is carnitas meat (at least that's what it said on the label). It turned out really good over rice with my almost ripe avocado from my co worker on top lol.

Tina trying out Tubby's box. She said this is niceeeee

She also discovered the pocket-like cover on the back of the recliner and tried that out. Lucy is like what ARE you doing?

Yesterday was the birthday party at my brother's house for 3 out of 4 of his kids. Little Joey 6, Adrian 15 (Stella 3 in Feb on her lap) and Brooklyn 2. It was a little rough on Stella since the party was for everyone but her. My mom and her other grandpa brought her a present too. I wish I had thought of doing that too so she'd have something to open too. She's too little to understand.

I got Joey this dinosaur egg thing. It's basically playdough with the head, feet and tail made of plastic and you have to make the body part. Kind of lame after he got it open lol.

Scott and Nate

He's such a cutie! (Stella on the left there)

His mom gave him a whole slice of pizza to eat with his 2 little teeth. He had a great time gnawing on it.

Rosie's like I should be playing with your phone lady. The kids were all dirty from playing.


Daniel played with all the little boys. He's almost the same size but like 2 years younger. That makes it rough sometimes. We went through that with Trevor. Kids don't understand why they act different when they are the same size.

After the party we went to the grocery store to get a few things and then I worked on my coworker's quilt. I got it all done! It took me 4 hours to clip the seams last night. I put it in the wash a bit ago. Lets pray it looks beautiful when it comes out lol.

I'm so glad to be done with that so I can work on some stuff for my craft booth now. I have a show in a couple weeks.

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