Monday, September 9, 2024


Good morning happy Monday. If Mondays can be happy that is. 
Aunt Flow is kicking my ass. She's so mean, making up for not coming last month.
Yesterday I got all of this

Into this. I've pretty much decided to do it rag quilt style with some flannel in the middle and that will make it rag up for the seams. I just have to go buy the flannel now.

I have Bunco tonight. I'm either going to to take some ravioli that I bought to make or get a pizza if I go out and run some errands. Probably the raviolis since I don't really want to go anywhere. I should go into the office tomorrow and I can do errands on the way home.

Trevor made Tubz this box a week or so ago and I can't believe she actually gets in it. She's such a goof ball.

Finally caught up on work emails this morning now to go back to the other work I have to do. It took me forever to fall asleep last night so I might have to take a little cat nap for my lunch break. I stuck Snookie in the tub and wet her down a bit last night so she'd stop panting and it worked. Poor dog trying to survive the summer in a house without central heat & air. Hopefully we will stop being so hot soon. Today should be the last real hot day for awhile. TG there are no more 100 temps in the forecast!

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