Thursday, September 26, 2024


Hello happy Thursday!
I started posting here like 3 times but now that stuff is all late.
Work was super busy the last few days uploading files for contracts. Almost done I think we have 3 left to be finished. Everything pretty much shuts down October 1st for a week so that will be easy time.

I've been cleaning up my sewing room a little bit and came across all the scraps from the recent quilt I made so I just got those all cut into squares and strips. Thinking about making something from them. Might go through my mini scrap boxes I have and see if there are some more coordinating colors to add to them. 

That's about all the excitement around here. Isn't that nice? I love when it's not exciting ;)

They scheduled our awards thing for Summer darts for Saturday evening. Nothing like short notice. Probably will be able to make it though unless I end up doing something with my cousin who is here visiting. I think they fly in tonight.

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