Sunday, September 15, 2024


Good morning happy Sunday!
The kids are coming over today but for the later work shift so I can fart around until 12-1 and then I need to clean. 

Friday night's dinner made in the crock pot. That is carnitas meat (at least that's what it said on the label). It turned out really good over rice with my almost ripe avocado from my co worker on top lol.

Tina trying out Tubby's box. She said this is niceeeee

She also discovered the pocket-like cover on the back of the recliner and tried that out. Lucy is like what ARE you doing?

Yesterday was the birthday party at my brother's house for 3 out of 4 of his kids. Little Joey 6, Adrian 15 (Stella 3 in Feb on her lap) and Brooklyn 2. It was a little rough on Stella since the party was for everyone but her. My mom and her other grandpa brought her a present too. I wish I had thought of doing that too so she'd have something to open too. She's too little to understand.

I got Joey this dinosaur egg thing. It's basically playdough with the head, feet and tail made of plastic and you have to make the body part. Kind of lame after he got it open lol.

Scott and Nate

He's such a cutie! (Stella on the left there)

His mom gave him a whole slice of pizza to eat with his 2 little teeth. He had a great time gnawing on it.

Rosie's like I should be playing with your phone lady. The kids were all dirty from playing.


Daniel played with all the little boys. He's almost the same size but like 2 years younger. That makes it rough sometimes. We went through that with Trevor. Kids don't understand why they act different when they are the same size.

After the party we went to the grocery store to get a few things and then I worked on my coworker's quilt. I got it all done! It took me 4 hours to clip the seams last night. I put it in the wash a bit ago. Lets pray it looks beautiful when it comes out lol.

I'm so glad to be done with that so I can work on some stuff for my craft booth now. I have a show in a couple weeks.


  1. Those rag quilts you have been making are amazing. I may make one eventually! lol Lovely family photos.

    1. Thank you! I'm glad to be done with the orders though haha


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