Friday, September 13, 2024


Hello! Wednesday evening our power went out. 
I was stacking my squares so I just used this little lantern lol. It was out for about 3 hours and came on just in time to go to bed ;)

It's really weird that my neighbors on either side of me are on a different power pole. I'm connected to this one along with the people on the street behind me. Something happened to the transformer I think since it was only us that were out. Trevor was outside when they came and he said they poked it a few times with a stick and then it was working. Nice easy fix.

Thursday I only worked til noon then went to the Dr for my "physical". Which was basically a pap smear, boob exam, and telling me my cholesterol and liver numbers are high. They were the same 3 years ago I think so no change really. Guess I'll have to get back to Lose It again and a carnivore diet probably isn't the best option for me lol. While she was doing the pap smear she somehow pinched my lady bits with the clamp thing and I said OW OW OW. Jesus. That wasn't nice. She was very apologetic lol. Not the way to get people to want to come back and do that. I got talked into making a colonoscopy appointment but might cancel it later. We'll see. It's not til January so I have a lot of time to debate on emptying my bowels without eating pizza or something first ;)

I started to sew my quilt squares together yesterday and had a small panic moment when my machine wouldn't sew the knit fabrics without doing huge skips. TG I had a bag full of needles from the thrift store a year or so ago and found some that said stretch knit on them that worked! Now to lay them out on my bed to arrange them and then start sewing the rows together. I'm really hoping this works the way I want it to.

Jess sent me this picture of Rosie eating an apple yesterday. She's so funny. 

Tomorrow we have a 3 in 1 birthday party at my brother Joe's house. Jess is supposed to come and bring the kids so that will keep us busy. Sunday she is working the later shift so it will be a kids weekend. Maybe I should take Monday off now lol.


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