Saturday, August 31, 2024


Good morning happy Saturday! I slept like crap last night. I might need a nap later! 

Yesterday after work I was laying on my bed just relaxing when I noticed someone left a puddle. GD! Can't even relax. Stripped the bed and got that washed and put it back on when I got home from darts and next thing I knew there was a puddle in the same damn spot. So pissed. (literally)  TG For waterproof mattress pads. Kicked the culprit off the bed and then she WHINED and cried until I finally gave in and let her back up. Spoiled little shit. So now I have to wash that stuff again.

Darts was good we won 4 to 3 and I won one game myself. Only one more game to finish up the summer season. We are already signed up for the fall/winter league. The old guy on my team's ass crack is constantly hanging out and everyone is like ewwww the whole game. I think he needs some longer shirts and or some suspenders. 

Today's plan. I think I am going to cut some new pieces for the blue and yellow quilt to swap out. I had some fabric that was a little faded on the edges and I was originally thinking it would be ok but the more I think about it the more I think I should swap it out. So I'll probably do that first. 

I guess Simon was barking a bit when she was outside this morning and Scott said when he went out there there was a guy in the backyard of the house behind our lot with a dog snooping around. I guess he high tailed it out when he saw Scott. Weird. That house had been empty for a long time and there definitely isn't anything worth taking in the yard. I keep thinking we should get the guys number to call him and try to buy it from him. It's a split level house. I'm sure it's disgusting inside though.

Ok that's all I've got this morning. Wondering if I have to find my own breakfast since no one is cooking any yet ;)

Friday, August 30, 2024


Good morning happy FriYEAH!

Yesterday I was deep into work all day. After work I went over to Jessica's to hang out with the kids for a little bit and she went to town for an errand.

No pics since Rosie thinks she has to have my phone if she sees it so she either has my phone or I'm hiding it lol.

I brought Moose home with me to play with Simon but Simon just acted scared and hid under the kitchen table. Weird! I got the soup on the stove and then took him back home. Poor guy thought he was going to play and she wasn't having it.

Took Simon for a short walk after dinner was done but before I ate because it was getting dark.

The weather sucks. I'm going to be so happy when it cools off a bit but then it will be dark at like 5pm and that's just depressing.

Darts tonight! No weekend plans other than to sew up that quilt! We got an email to get off 2 hours early today so that is nice. 


Thursday, August 29, 2024


Good morning happy Friday Eve! I'm looking forward to the weekend.
Breakfast yesterday. Probably should have had one less toast but it was an end piece I cut in half lol (sourdough)

Nachos for lunch. We're down to the crumb chips so that's enough of that for me.

I got the batting cut for my next quilt so it's ready for me to zip them through the sewing machine.

Little walk with Simon.

Today's plan? Should probably rewash my clothes that have been in the washer for a few days ;) and put away the stuff I never put away on Monday.

And then work on the quilt. The lady paid me for the first 4 so that was nice. My mom delivered them to her for me the other day. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Hello happy hump day! 
I'm so tired right now I might need to go take a power nap. 
I had a hard time falling asleep last night and then woke up at 12:30 sweating to death and Snookie sounded like she was going to have a heart attack from panting. I wet her down a bit and moved my fan and eventually fell back to sleep. I had my alarm set for 2:30 so I could go over and stay with the kids while Jess took Daniel to the airport. He's going to Philadelphia to visit friends and family. That is where he used to live and he hasn't been home in six years. I can't imagine being gone that long.
Jess got back around 6:30 and I came home and tried to go back to sleep but that didn't work well (also didn't sleep much while I was there since Moose kept bringing me the ball lol)

Yesterday I went into the office to work. I went to the teriyaki bowl place for lunch as usual. 

A little bit charred this time and could have used another teriyaki sauce but the egg rolls were great.

I sent this to Scott but it never went through on his end. So weird. When we bought our white HHR he wanted the orange one. I was like nope! 

I went to Joanns after work to get batting. That place is a disaster again. I got the girl to help me find the batting I wanted since nothing is labeled or in the right spot. She said they are only scheduling them for 3 hours each due to the bankruptcy stuff. That's why it's a mess what can anyone get done in 3 hours while also helping customers. By the time you get in a groove it would be time to go home. Although tempting as a 2nd job for a discount lol.

Sent this to Jess we blame everything on the moon and Aunt Flo (who still never showed up woohoo)

This was my dinner. Leftover nachos. Almost out of chips so I guess I'll make something else for dinner tonight lol

Little walk with Simon. I looked up and it was almost dark! Going to have to plan to go at like 7 I guess. 

Tina earlier laying on her back next to Simon. I was surprised she'd chance that!

I got all the backing fabric squares cut out for the new quilt I'm working on so the next step is cutting the batting. Should be able to get that done tonight.

Jess sent me this. Little D brought her in his room to show her "taa daaa". Looks like all the animals are at the feast haha.

Side note my house had a bunch of those Snoopy sheets when I bought it. Some ended up at my mom's but I think she gave them back to Jess. I did buy one off of eBay for her she needed to make a set or something too.

ok maybe I'll go sneak in a 1/2 hour nap.. ;) I'm thinking about going into the office tomorrow since I didn't finish the letters I was working on (packets for new contracts) and the internet was working a little faster with this stupid program we have to use. We'll see if I make it or not.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Hello happy Tuesday! I worked in the office 
 and I was busy all day so finally getting time to post. 

Yesterday's breakfast. Took me forever to cut all that fruit up. The watermelon Scott bought is enormous. I only cut 1/2 of it. 

Pretty much worked all day and made a mac salad in the morning and roasts in the crock pot. Melissa & Eric got here right before I got off work so that worked out!

Did a little bit of cleaning. Probably should have done more but eh.  

Daniel playing fighting animals with my dad lol

My girls :)

This one was after we went for a walk around the block 

My mom brought over her frog canister set that she had promised Melissa. She had them when I was little. Now they are worth a few pennies.

Mom playing with Nate. She was having fun til he spit up on her arm and she tossed him to me hahahaha

Nephew Tony. The rest of the boys were in Trevor's room and Scott was floating around in the living room. Somehow they missed getting pictures.

Melissa & I took Simon for a little walk after everyone left. I laughed when I saw it said it was my 100th fastest 0-2 mile walk. 

Her moving date got moved from the 1st to the 3rd so hopefully I'll get to see her again before she moves. 

Monday, August 26, 2024


Hello my name is Julie and I'm exhausted. Hopefully a couple cups of coffee will help haha.

Yesterday's breakfast Scott made me :)

Yesterday morning I got all the top squares cut out for a new quilt. It's going to be mostly blue with a little bit of yellow. I have a large piece of fabric I can use for the backing so it will almost be free to make haha. Just have to pick up some batting. Maybe tomorrow after I go to the office.

My helper.

The kids came over a little after 2.

I have to hide my phone from this girl now. She's OBCESSED with it. She saw me take it out to take a picture and lost her shit because I wouldn't let her play with it. (She did get to play with it 2x though).

Cranky kids usually need a nap right?

Are we cute?

oh yes we are

Popsicles with Grandpa

And some baby food

An easy Salisbury Steak for dinner with cheater gravy. I did make the potatoes from scratch ;)

Rosie liked it. She ate off of her plate and mine. Funny how the adults plate is always better!

Nate didn't think the mashed potatoes were all that great. Daniel wouldn't even look at the plate.

He played on my lap top for quite awhile (going to have to hide that too) and then finally got tired of it and played with toys and demanded that we watch LIONS which eventually we figured out was a Lion King after series. 

He likes playing with this car thing for anything but cars. Kids are funny. 

After they left Simon and I went for a walk around the block. I kind of wanted to go a 2nd time but it was pretty dark out so we just came home. I've seriously been slacking on the walking this last week.

Then I did the dishes and Scott and I put all the toys away.

Today's plan

Make some mac salad and put some roasts in the crock pot. Random cleaning and working. 
Everyone is coming over for dinner tonight since Melissa & Eric are moving to Utah in a few days. I'm going to make the mac salad, roast beef for sandwiches and nachos. Easy peasy. 

Tomorrow I have to go into the office to mail some letters. Can I just call in sick for the rest of the year?

Sunday, August 25, 2024


Good morning happy Sunday!
Yesterday I worked on laundry and finally got this quilt pulled out and photographed.
The colors turned out nice together. Two more to go then I can go back to doing whatever colors I want lol.

I actually made a menu for the week and a grocery list from it. Scott and I went grocery shopping and had to get a 2nd cart (partially due to the huge watermelon he picked). 

Dinner was my favorite chicken fajita recipe. So easy. I bought some guacamole for nachos on Monday but we ate a bunch of it. Whoops. It was good stuff.

My friend Traci's son and daughter in law are cleaning the house out some more and asked if I wanted some sewing machines and thread. I was like well thread for sure but I'll check out the sewing machines. I knew one she had didn't work right and then when they pulled the other one out of a box a mouse had gotten in there so that was icky. I actually stayed there and chatted for awhile and didn't cry. Go me. May have cried as soon as I got in the car though. Ugh. 

Jess is working the later shift today so we have a slow morning. I have to put the rest of the groceries away and clean up a bit before they come but that won't take too long.


Saturday, August 24, 2024


Hello happy Saturday!

This how my work week went. I swear I work with idiots who can't do simple tasks and the whole computer system is like 500 hours slow. If they could just spend the money to upgrade whatever is broken they would save a million dollars on over time wages. 

I got off at 2 yesterday to go to the Dr to get my meds properly prescribed so I can get more than 10 pills at a time. Now I have to go get my blood work done and go back for a physical. I asked if I really need to get a pap smear if I never had sex and the Dr laughed lol. Glad it's funny to someone haha. 

After that I went home and put jeans on and then went and met my friend Eric to go to Chicken Ranch for Bingo.

We met my friends Carolyn & Allen there. None of us won a damn thing. No one on our entire SUPER LONG table won a damn thing lol. It's fun but kind of expensive and a long drive. I didn't get home until after midnight. I don't even recognize myself in this picture. Who am I?

This one was better but they weren't looking lol

Eric dancing in the intermission

After we didn't win we went over to the new casino they built. I took this for my friend Dee she's such the foodie lol.

Left a little bit of money there but not too much.

So this morning Snookie's stomach was making so much noise and woke me up. Eventually it calmed down and then later she barfed up some bile so hopefully she's not dying. She ate breakfast and it's not making noise now so hopefully she's ok.

I need to go to the grocery store today since we have no food again. I will have to make a list this time. Also need to do laundry and finally take the quilt out of the dryer. It's been out there for a couple days. 

Babysitting tomorrow afternoon/evening and Monday is already around the corner. Booo. Doing a little dinner for Melissa & Eric on Monday night so need to figure out what we are eating so I can buy it!