Monday, August 5, 2024


Good morning happy Monday! Scott is off today and is gone getting Trevor's truck smogged (hopefully). I asked him to pick up something for me to take to Bunco tonight. 

Yesterday was babysitting Sunday. Rosie is getting so big. She sings all the time.

Nate is such a happy baby

Simon's like but I'm the baby

Daniel spent the whole time he was here watching You Tube videos of people acting out play with toys. My laptop is touch screen so he could just touch the new ones that would pop up. He was sad to go home and leave it haha.

Nate and Rosie took naps. Nap just most cat naps though. 

Rosie was OUT for awhile. 

Serious face

Simon and I went for a walk in the evening. There was a breeze for most of our walk so that was nice.

She was definitely tired when we got back

Last night my room was miserable hot again. I think I need to invest in some kind of portable air conditioner for in there. It's so miserable. Scott was on the couch for most of the time so I couldn't escape to there. 

Back to our trip! 

Thursday 7/22. We woke up and decided to do some laundry. We went down and got a load going and then went back to our room. Scott went back and moved it over to the dryer and set a timer for an hour. He went back to get the clothes and they were still wet like they hadn't even dried. He put them in another dryer and stayed there just in case someone had like stolen the dryer or something. After almost an hour and time to almost check out the clothes were STILL WET.  So of course I had to hear him complain about that. When I went to check out I asked to be refunded $6 for the dryer and they gave me a story about how the laundry is a 3rd party and they can't refund and they can't even give me a discount on the room. I told them how they probably shouldn't promote the use of their machines and put a sign on them that they don't work. Also told them to enjoy their bad review of their crappy hotel lol. Might have been a bit of Karen but that was totally annoying and messed things up. 

Next up! Go check out the Space Needle and downtown Seattle. We got there after one mishap (someone-not me got in the wrong lane) and found some parking. I had to pee so bad. Luckily we found a McDonald's across from the Space Needle that we could just walk into. 

It's way skinnier than I thought. Scott said no way was he going up in there so that was that. Hindsight we should have parked somewhere in the middle ground area of downtown and the space needle. 

we walked around a bit but didn't have something we wanted to look at specifically. 

We walked down to the downtown area 

Scott was like too many people! So we walked through it and then walked back towards the Space Needle. So that was a waste for the most part

This cracked me up

We went back to this pizza & bar place we saw. Belltown Pizza.

Tall Jack & Diet coke for me after the day we'd been having

I liked their water bottles

Yum pizza. Yes we ate it all

The bar was fun. Then we walked back to the car so Scott could take a break. I was like I'm going to walk to Walgreens and see if they have any meds for my eye. He says oh I can go too. So then we walk over there (why we didn't drive I don't know). They didn't have what I wanted so I got something else to try (didn't help) and then I was like well might as well leave. So Seattle felt like a bust. I should have actually planned stuff to do (besides what I wanted to do that didn't get done haha)

On the road again! Our only plan now was just to go home. Scott apparently just wanted to go straight there. Tons of traffic. Ugh. Worst part of road trips. 

My eye was really swollen and annoying me. I just took a nap and slept through a bunch of the drive. 


Somewhere in there we stopped at an Arco. I ran in to go to the bathroom and Scott was getting gas. I came out and he moved the car but moved farther away from the door. I was like if you're going to move the car why wouldn't you move to the front of the building? And there started our fight for the rest of the night lol. Probably didn't help that I was already annoyed about Seattle. 

He had asked me where I wanted to eat and I said you pick. I had my ear buds in for awhile since I was mad. So hours later he stopped at a Denny's. Denny's really sucks for dinner. 

While we were there I found us a hotel room for the night about an hour away. 

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I've been MIA. I would have given you and Scott some fun things to do that wouldn't be real expensive and not so crowded. next time. I hope to be back amongst the living soon.


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