Saturday, August 3, 2024


Good morning happy Saturday!

Currently watching Gaslit (doing a free trial on of Starz to watch it ;) after watching a documentary on Margaret Mitchell yesterday. 

Work was busy all day and then a little bit more. I keep thinking about the meeting I had the other day where the area boss basically just yelled at everyone all day asking how to fix the problem (so he could tell his boss) and not wanting to hear anything about the actual problems (low staffing/too much work). I've never really been pulled in to things like that before and I'm just like WTF. 

Also another girl in my position took it upon herself to do a task that is not on our task list and now it is assumed that we are all doing it. I asked my boss if someone assigned this to us and I missed it and she said well since this girl did it now we all have to. WTF. THEN I went into look at the first one and this girl has been in there working on it. This is also the same girl who complains she has too much work to do and yet she's getting into other office's stuff. WTF.

Anyhow, after that I worked on making more string blocks from my scrap rolls.

I got 10 more done and still have 3 rolls of this color way (picking out any bright yellows/oranges/reds/blacks if they are in there). It takes quite awhile to make 10 blocks.

Ok back to my trip pics!!

After we got to Washington we drove for awhile and then stopped to get something to eat. We found this pizza place that was almost empty when we got there but picked up by the time we left. It was called Westside Pizza in Montesano, WA. We ate the whole medium pizza. I guess we were hungry.

Back on the road! Hey it's Mount Rainier

We made it to our hotel in Tukwila. 

But first we had somehow missed the turn to the hidden hotel behind a parking lot and got back on the freeway and Scott had to lose his shit that he was lost and REFUSED to just pull over and look at the map for a second. I may have yelled. Of course the map girl knew where we were going so we eventually got there. 

When we got there and went into the office (they had to buzz us in) I was like hmmm maybe this hotel is not going to be a nice one. Of course it was the one hotel where we were staying for two nights.  The first room they gave us was a handicapped room. She SAID that was what we booked but I'm pretty sure that was a lie. The room was not nice and he door wouldn't even shut all the way on the bottom, like it had been kicked in. The girl at the counter found us another room (even though she said they were fully booked-the parking lot was never full so I doubt that) and this was it. Which doesn't look too bad but that definitely was not a queen bed. 

It was an Easy Stay so it had a little kitchen. We only ended up using the fridge.


Every time I wiped I'd get a jolt when the seat moved lol

covered the mirror because who wants to look at yourself while you look at the tv

The next morning we went to breakfast before we went to the baseball game. 
Scott let me drive. After three or four times of him yelling watch out etc I had to tell him he didn't like it when I did that to him. Jesus. Man has had more wrecks than me ;)

This place was in the ghetto I think. The parking lot below the restaurant was covered in trash and all the buildings had stuff to protect their store fronts. Must mean the food is good right?

Very old school Denny's feel to it

Guess what I got? It was great of course. 

We were thinking of maybe taking the train to the baseball game but we couldn't find anywhere to park. Apparently everyone uses the train! So we just drove (I drove) to the baseball park. 

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