Saturday, August 31, 2024


Good morning happy Saturday! I slept like crap last night. I might need a nap later! 

Yesterday after work I was laying on my bed just relaxing when I noticed someone left a puddle. GD! Can't even relax. Stripped the bed and got that washed and put it back on when I got home from darts and next thing I knew there was a puddle in the same damn spot. So pissed. (literally)  TG For waterproof mattress pads. Kicked the culprit off the bed and then she WHINED and cried until I finally gave in and let her back up. Spoiled little shit. So now I have to wash that stuff again.

Darts was good we won 4 to 3 and I won one game myself. Only one more game to finish up the summer season. We are already signed up for the fall/winter league. The old guy on my team's ass crack is constantly hanging out and everyone is like ewwww the whole game. I think he needs some longer shirts and or some suspenders. 

Today's plan. I think I am going to cut some new pieces for the blue and yellow quilt to swap out. I had some fabric that was a little faded on the edges and I was originally thinking it would be ok but the more I think about it the more I think I should swap it out. So I'll probably do that first. 

I guess Simon was barking a bit when she was outside this morning and Scott said when he went out there there was a guy in the backyard of the house behind our lot with a dog snooping around. I guess he high tailed it out when he saw Scott. Weird. That house had been empty for a long time and there definitely isn't anything worth taking in the yard. I keep thinking we should get the guys number to call him and try to buy it from him. It's a split level house. I'm sure it's disgusting inside though.

Ok that's all I've got this morning. Wondering if I have to find my own breakfast since no one is cooking any yet ;)

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