Monday, August 26, 2024


Hello my name is Julie and I'm exhausted. Hopefully a couple cups of coffee will help haha.

Yesterday's breakfast Scott made me :)

Yesterday morning I got all the top squares cut out for a new quilt. It's going to be mostly blue with a little bit of yellow. I have a large piece of fabric I can use for the backing so it will almost be free to make haha. Just have to pick up some batting. Maybe tomorrow after I go to the office.

My helper.

The kids came over a little after 2.

I have to hide my phone from this girl now. She's OBCESSED with it. She saw me take it out to take a picture and lost her shit because I wouldn't let her play with it. (She did get to play with it 2x though).

Cranky kids usually need a nap right?

Are we cute?

oh yes we are

Popsicles with Grandpa

And some baby food

An easy Salisbury Steak for dinner with cheater gravy. I did make the potatoes from scratch ;)

Rosie liked it. She ate off of her plate and mine. Funny how the adults plate is always better!

Nate didn't think the mashed potatoes were all that great. Daniel wouldn't even look at the plate.

He played on my lap top for quite awhile (going to have to hide that too) and then finally got tired of it and played with toys and demanded that we watch LIONS which eventually we figured out was a Lion King after series. 

He likes playing with this car thing for anything but cars. Kids are funny. 

After they left Simon and I went for a walk around the block. I kind of wanted to go a 2nd time but it was pretty dark out so we just came home. I've seriously been slacking on the walking this last week.

Then I did the dishes and Scott and I put all the toys away.

Today's plan

Make some mac salad and put some roasts in the crock pot. Random cleaning and working. 
Everyone is coming over for dinner tonight since Melissa & Eric are moving to Utah in a few days. I'm going to make the mac salad, roast beef for sandwiches and nachos. Easy peasy. 

Tomorrow I have to go into the office to mail some letters. Can I just call in sick for the rest of the year?

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