Sunday, July 28, 2024


Good morning happy Sunday! 
My last day off before the dreaded W word tomorrow. Booooo

We made it home safely and I've had enough togetherness to last me a bit haha. If you need me you'll find me in my sewing room ;) Although someone should go to the grocery store. Holding out that someone else will give in before me.

Here's more from our trip. This is from last Sunday after we left the Trees of Mystery Scott stopped at this SeaQuake Brewery. We had to wait a few minutes for a table but not too long.

I'm not a beer drinker so I had this fancy lemon drop.

Scott got a burger and I got these amazing nachos! I got a box to take the left overs but of course they were gross after a few hours of being soggy. I put the box in a bag and put it outside our hotel room and the next morning the bag was in one direction and the empty box was under a car. Apparently some animal thought they were delicious too ;)

Back in the car! Not too far down the road we found Oregon!

Scott pulled over at this little area. It was pretty but WINDY. Also they had a sign that there was poison oak along the fence. If it wasn't so windy we probably would have hung out there for awhile longer.

Our stop for the night, the Pacific Reef Hotel. This place was so cute! 

Side note, this is the only hotel who actually charged my credit card for the whole night when we booked it so be ready for that if you go.

We had the unit on the end with a view. Kind of ;)

There it is! Scott kept closing the blinds because there was another unit behind ours and they had to walk past the windows. I'm like we paid to keep those open...

Scott said this shower was like the shower in his parents trailer ;) So tiny! It did the job though.

Of course it was windy here too. At least it wasn't 110 degrees though. We took a bottle of champagne my friend bought me ages ago and went down to the beach to watch the sunset.

Nothing better than a sunset on the beach!

This hotel had some kind of light show something or other but we didn't go to it. Probably would have been nice but we were tired!

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