Thursday, July 18, 2024


Good morning happy Thursday! 
Just working about 1/2 a day today and tomorrow and then it's VACATION TIME!! Woohoo

I went to Wal Mart after work yesterday to get a few things. Look how cute these little cups are. WAY too expensive though. Almost $6 for a little snack cup.

Locking up generic jeans, what has the world come to. I got a small ice chest and some snacks for our trip while I was there. Along with some carpet cleaner for my rug that I'm attempting to put out again in the living room. We'll see if the dogs can behave themselves. 

Simon and I went for a walk and stump lake is getting lower and lower. They have it blocked off so it can't get water from the other lake. I have heard a few reasons why but interesting. At one time the big lake was almost all dried up but that's the only time I've seen it like that. 

It was so hot when I got back in the house. The boys sitting there with no AC on and it was humid from the carpet cleaner lol. 

Planning on dropping some stuff off at Goodwill on the way to my friends today. Praying they are taking donations so I can get the stuff out of my car. I took a whole trash bag of clothes out of my closet yesterday. I didn't even know I had that many clothes I don't wear. 

Oh! Remember the neighbor's cat I said was so old and looked horrible? I guess it passed away yesterday. Poor thing was like 19 years old.


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