Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Good morning happy Tuesday!

Scott went to work today so I am going to try to do some cleaning. Nothing too exciting but there is like 12 layers of dust on the bookshelves in the living room for one thing.

I watched the kids for about an hour at their house yesterday. Someone found my phone and was taking selfies. Most of them are of her leg but she got one with half her face lol. She was even saying cheese. She HATES me when I take my phone away. 

I worked on cleaning up some boxes of fabric that I keep moving every time the kids come over so I can shut the door. Not that you can tell from the pile on the right. Definitely in hoarder fabric status. 

I made ribs in the crock pot. They were already seasoned so easy peasy. I'll definitely do that again. I need to figure out what to put in there for today lol. Loving not having to cook a bunch.

Oh I went and got a hair cut too. The girl didn't cut it short enough but I think it looks ok. I just ended up putting it back in a bun when I got home. We'll see when I actually go somewhere lol. The girl had her lips all plumped up so I could barely look at her let alone ask her to cut it all over again because it wasn't short enough.  I can't wait for that phase to go out. Women walking around with buttholes on their faces. So gross.

Simon could not wait to go for a walk yesterday. Luckily it cooled down a bit so it wasn't too hot when we went around 8.

The river over here is super low. I think I'm going to go check it out down there soon. Looks like a fun exploring area in the daylight lol.

I took this picture at the same time in the other direction. Sun setting on the farmer's field.

I'm all caught up with work for the moment. The office is being really slow about sending stuff for me to work on. Snore.

Ok guess I'll wash some dishes and do some laundry

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