Saturday, July 13, 2024


Good morning happy Saturday! 
Yesterday I made some fruit salad and sang the Wiggles song the whole time. 
I love fruit salad and cottage cheese. I had some for breakfast and a snack last night.

I mostly just sewed wine totes yesterday. 9 to go!

I went and picked up my meds and amazingly there was no line in the drive through and they had them all ready to go. A miracle! So that's taken care of for a bit. I just needed to make sure I'd have them for when we go on our trip. Next Saturday we will be leaving woohoooooo.

So this week will be getting laundry all caught up so I can pack and all that. I told Scott we need to take more food stuff with us this time like stuff for sandwiches. Just something a little more substantial than crackers and the like. 

It was supposed to be under 100 today but they changed it this morning. No 90's for us! I'm looking forward to not waking up sweaty in the middle of the night. 

I never did any outside clean up yesterday. It was so hot I was like eh lol. Gotta start early for that. Still need to clean up the weed pile I made too.

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