Thursday, July 11, 2024


Good morning happy Thursday! 
I have darts today so I'll be showering at some point ;)

The neighbor came and picked up the recycling so that feels great to get that out of here. 

Trevor and I ate the calzone I bought from the grocery store deli area for lunch yesterday. So yummy. 

For dinner I put the pork roast I bought in the crock pot and then made tacos with it. They turned out pretty good.

Simon and I went for a short walk last night. I started having some pain in my back and then some tooting and then OMG I had to go poo so had to hustle it back to the house and pray no one was in the bathroom haha. TG I just barely made it.  It was still super hot too so I was already planning on a shorter walk but not quite that short. 

Dear God please let this be the last of the 111's. I looked up the first stop on our vacation (not going til the 20th) and it is in the 60's there during the day. Woohoooo. Might have to pack a hoodie. 

After doing a few things in the sewing room I finally decided my next project would be to finish up these wine bags. I had pulled them out of my to finish later box awhile ago so they've been hanging out on my desk. I had to go through my hoard pile to find my interfacing but I was successful!

There were 25 cut out and ready to go. I cut the interfacing, ironed and pinned for the 1st step and got busy.

Here's some crappy pictures of the first 4 I got done.

I'm sure I'll be sick of them again by the time I'm done but they will be pretty stocked up for my craft booth haha. Once I do that again. I have 2 shows set up for October and November. I should try harder to find some others but it's hard when I babysit on Sundays. 

Just made this sale on eBay. Every time I tell myself I should just stop thrifting and reselling stuff haha. I think I paid $1 for these. SCORE!  I have been putting all the patterns on sale for like 70% off in my eBay store trying to get rid of them and had 2 people ask about combining shipping this morning. Someone just purchased a few. 

Trying to do a mini project around the house every day to clean shit up. I think today's will be to clean off the table out the back door that Scott and Trevor have been using to house misc crap. Most of which needs to go in the trash I think! Need to do that soon before it gets too hot outside. 

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