Thursday, July 4, 2024


Good morning happy 4th of July!

I need to make some potato and mac salad in a few minutes but having coffee first. The party we are going to doesn't start til 3 so we have awhile.

Went to the store and got a few things yesterday. Otherwise I worked on my little triangle quilt. Got a few more of the big blocks finished.

3 more groups to go! I separated them out when I was cutting them to mix up the prints more. Seemed to work well for the one I finished yesterday. 

It's so hot here I wish we were going on vacation this week. They just keep adding another 100 to the end of the 8 day weather report. 16 days until we go!

Been watching the worst roommates season 2. People are freaking nuts!


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Wednesday, July 3, 2024


Good morning happy Wednesday! 
I guess we aren't getting an early release today since the big wigs email was missing that line lol. I don't even read the emails just scan for the early release line and nada. 

Making progress on my Scrappy Triangles. Last night I went through and prepped the rest of the squares I have for the center pieces so we'll see how big it gets. 

I went to pick up my prescription that was supposed to be ready after work. Of course it wasn't and they only gave me 10 pills and think they have to get a new script from the dr again (they just did that). I think they just give your meds to someone else when you haven't picked them up right away. Like oh we're out but we have one waiting for someone we'll just use those. Annoying.

I picked up Chinese food on the way home since it's so hot who wants to cook.

This poor shopping center was already struggling and now they've been fixing it up for like a year or more. This is the gym I used to go to. I have no idea how they made it through the pandemic and now this. I quit during the pandemic since they weren't open and then were still charging me. Not that I had been going in anyways.

The Chinese food boxes are the best. Tubz approved.

They just keep adding the 100's to the bottom. I wonder if we'll do all 100's in July. We're going North on the 20th so we'll at least get an escape at that point ;)

I have to go to the store today and get stuff to take to my brother's for tomorrow. The party isn't until 3 so we'll have lots of down time in the morning to sweat while we wait for pool time ;)

Work appears to be dead. People going on vacation and saving everything for Monday. I took Friday off so today is my last day until then. 

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Tuesday, July 2, 2024


Good morning happy Tuesday!

I've been working on my little Scrappy Triangles project. I got 5 of the finished squares done. Now I'm starting over with the next batch :) Kind of wish I would have just picked single colors to work on but too late now. Going to just sew up all the scraps I have that will work and see what I end up with. 

Somehow I managed to photo all my meals yesterday. Minus the 3 popsicles I had lol.

Simon wouldn't leave me alone so I took her for a little walk. The neighbor's cat is like 500 years old and outside waiting to be ran over. He's always sleeping in the street. I'm amazed the coyotes haven't got him.

Scorcher today at 108. Doesn't look like it will be stopping anytime soon! Lets all pray the AC unit stays being a rock star.

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Monday, July 1, 2024


Hello happy Monday! It's a short work week this week woohoo. Slow day so far too. I almost forgot to post here today after getting side tracked.

Ended up watching the kids for a few hours. Kind of expected that to happen ;) 

Got a few snuggles with this guy

and a big snuggle with this girl

and some snuggles with the little guy too. Scott was so funny falling asleep while he was feeding him. He did a head bob and that woke him up. 

After they left Simon and I went out to finish our 30 miles. I should have waited to go it was still too hot. I was picking paths with more shade to walk in. BUT we got it done! I won't be scheduling 30 miles for July since we'll be on vacation for the last part of it. 19 days til then!

Working on my little quilt blocks. I had to true them up before I could put the next step together. Hopefully that doesn't make me lose the tips of the triangles. 

Tina yesterday. She's so funny. I tossed out her box she squished that was in that space so now she's all over the place.

Trevor just left to go out to lunch so I'm all by myself :) Guess I'll celebrate by having a salad for lunch. 

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