Sunday, June 30, 2024


Good morning happy Sunday! It's the last day of being 100 for awhile! 
Hope the AC holds out haha.

Yesterday I worked on my little scrappy project.  I started sewing some blocks together but have one side to go to complete some. 

Simon and I went for a long walk trying to get my miles done for 30 miles in June.

2.74 to go tonight! We just might make it. I had to walk up and down the road in front of my house and around the little round about 3 times to get it to 5 miles lol. I was like we're so close! Longest walk since I started walking again.

Scott took himself off to the grocery store this morning since we're out of all the staples. I just drank a cup of black coffee. Not my favorite haha. Hopefully he wants to cook us breakfast when he gets back ;)

Next week is the 4th of July on Thursday and I took Friday off too since working after a holiday is dumb haha. Nice 5 day weekend coming up! 

No babysitting today (so far) since Jess is off today to recover from their camping trip. It sounds like they all had a great time. 

Saturday, June 29, 2024


Hello happy no plans Saturday!!! That hardly ever happens!

Yesterday I worked on cutting this box of fabric scraps into squares and strips. Almost done! I had used a bunch of the pinwheel quilt and was thinking I should just finish the box off.  Still looking at ideas of what to play with next. I still have 3 rag quilts to make for an order but I have til Christmas to make those so no hurry. Nice to work on something else.

After work yesterday I went and met up with my friend Eric and then we went to play "Glow Bingo". It was fun even though we didn't win. I was one number away from winning $500 so that was exciting for a minute. 

We passed the new casino this place is building (Indian casino)

I was like remember Ross and his teeth (Friends)

They had a DJ playing music so it was a little loud to hear the numbers being called (not sure why they didn't just turn it down a little bit) but they would put the numbers on the big screen so that worked.

They had a 20 minute intermission with some dancing. Eric danced I watched lol

He got picked to play a sock sorting game. Didn't win but they gave him $5 play for the casino. 

Eric's sad face we didn't win lol

I got a players card for the casino and they gave me $10 free play. I came home with $20 more than I went in the casino with so worked for me haha. I didn't get home until about midnight. I definitely don't like driving that late at night. Next time I'll drink some coffee!!

Tubz says it's ok, we can keep the baby bassinet out even though Nate is too big lol. She's so funny she loves all the baby accessories. Need to get some boxes to put it in next time I go out. I used 2 big Wal Mart boxes last time. A big plastic one would be better but spendy.

Update to our heat coming. They took off the 119 whew lol. Not that it matters much once it gets over 100. 


Friday, June 28, 2024


Hello happy FriYEAH! 

Yesterday I finally took off 2 rows off the side of the quilt and added 1 plus 3 blocks to the top. Here she is all done and ready to be quilted now.

I looked all through my phone and can't find the number for the lady that quilted the baby quilt I made. One of my neighbor friends said her mom gets a lot of quilts done so I'm going to ask her where she takes them. I will have to get some backing fabric for it too.

Something I ate yesterday messed up my stomach a bit. I'm like what the heck was it I didn't eat anything exciting. 

I went to darts and we won 3 out of 7 games so lost overall and I didn't do anything to help us win. Hung out for awhile after chatting. It was already dark before we got done with our games so too late to walk. 

Tonight I'm going to a big bingo place so wish me luck!! Should be fun.

Update on our crazy weather. "at least it's a dry heat" people say. Uh yeah but I'm just going to be inside anyways ;)

Need to figure out what my next sewing project is.


Thursday, June 27, 2024


Morning happy Thursday!
I started my day by making macaroni salad for Jess to take camping. She paid me in a mini snickers and Resees. 

Yesterday I watched the kids while they went grocery shopping. 

Rarrrrrrr it's a fighting monkey and panda 

The point of chaos

Passed out!

Simon said thanks for the bed

Tina passed out early in the day with her eyes and mouth partly open. Weirdo!

Only supposed to be 92 today. Sigh. OMG check out a week from Saturday. We're going to burn up.

Darts tonight so I guess I'll shower at some point. Going to try and walk after since I didn't get a chance to go last night. 


Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Good morning happy hump day!

It's only supposed to be 93 today woohoo lol. I think it got up to 100 yesterday.

I procrastinated taking the rows off the quilt by cleaning up all the random fabric scraps off my desk. Tina helped.

and then I was like that box of 1" scraps is really full I should make a scrap roll with them.

Got done around midnight lol. Think I'll make this into 2 rolls so it fits in my box better. For when I feel like making something with it.

I did take a break to eat dinner. I cooked a whole chicken in the crock pot. It was frozen when I put it in so I had to pick off the skin, bones and misc fat blobs. Ick. It tasted ok though. 

The kids came over to get the camping stuff but I apparently got rid of most of it and/or it's not all in the boxes. Whoops. They couldn't find the air mattresses either. I am going to go look out there. I couldn't last night since the kids were in the house with me.

Simon and I went for a walk and watched the sun set.

This lake is disgusting, looks like a swamp. Hopefully we get more water soon they are all really low.

4 more miles. 7 something to go to finish my 30 miles in June challenge. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Good morning happy Tuesday!

I almost finished my pinwheel quilt top yesterday! Put it on my bed and decided I need to take 2 rows off the side and add them to the top/bottom. UGH. So there will be some seam ripping/picking today. So mad at myself for not laying it out before I sewed on the last bit.  I also had just ran a stitch all around the outside edges so I'll probably have to take that out on one side also. 

And this is how people end up with unfinished projects lol. BUT I will do it! And not just shove it in the cabinet like I kind of wanted to do after I realized my mistake haha.

I was so focused on finishing that up last night that it was 9pm before I knew it. I have to go for a walk tonight or I'm not going to be able to meet my goal. It's only supposed to be 100 today. Blech. Yesterday it actually rained at Scott's work and by my mom's house for a bit. So crazy. Hot and raining that never happens.

Monday, June 24, 2024


Good morning happy Monday! 

Yesterday I stayed out of my sewing room all day and man that was hard haha. I did get the kitchen all cleaned up and a bunch of misc things put away so that feels good. Every time I walk in there I feel like I'm washing dishes trying to keep it all clean. 

Daniel spotted the little box of Potato Head guys my friend gave us when he first came in. He played with them on and off the whole time he was here. They may have went in a swim in the dog water too.

This is him at the end of the night lol. No clothes, took my couch apart. Looks like a seal haha

He spent some time hanging out with Trevor in his room watching Dragon Ball too. That's a first. Nice to see them hanging out.

Little Nate is trying really hard to talk I think. Super cute! I got a few giggles!

He played in the bouncer a bit. I brought the little crib into the living room since my bedroom was so hot. He took a little nap in there. I need to get some boxes for the bassinet again. Time to put that away.

Rosie came with a full pony tail! So cute. Her hair is getting so long. She took a big nap while she was here. Probably stayed up all night for her mom. 

Chaos!! Probably time to go through and weed out some toys again.

All cleaned up!

It's another hot day today. Last day in the 100's until next week (if that 98 day doesn't get hotter)

The kids are going camping next weekend so no babysitting next Sunday.

Today's plan? I think I will clean up my sewing desk a bit and then work on sewing these squares together. Pretty sure I'm just going to make it bigger than just the top so it will drape over the sides of the bed too. Might as well since I have the squares made already.

Need to go for a walk tonight too. Only 6 days left to walk 11 miles!