Sunday, June 2, 2024


Good morning happy Sunday!
We are babysitting this morning. The kids are having fun bopping around. 

No walk for me yesterday our hills are on fire. They are calling it the Corral Fire (one of the roads it's on is Corral Hollow Rd)

Jess sent me this from the grocery store yesterday

My view yesterday evening 

It got really smoky and my chest was tight just from going out to refill our water bottles. Had to find my inhaler. 

Simon wasn't too happy we weren't going on a walk.

I finished the sunflower quilt, I love it! The colors turned out great. Three more to make for my mom's friend and then I have another order from my dad's cousin who has bought 2 already lol. 

I'll have to figure out what fabrics to use on the next one! I have a few more large pieces to use for backing so trying to match up to those so I don't have to go buy any.

Last night's dinner, pepper steak. Yum! Scott took out the steaks I had bought last night so I guess that's what we will be having today.

1 comment:

  1. ooh that pepper steak looks good. Poor Simon, can you wear a mask and walk outside for a short time?


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