Monday, June 17, 2024


Hello happy Monday! Today I have a "staff meeting" with my boss and coworkers. After I have my quarterly review which is dumb but now they make us do them. Like anything is going to change much in 3 months. 

Yesterday I worked on my pinwheel squares more and finally got them all put together. 

I decided to add my scrappy 1.5" pieces to the sides for borders. 

So far I've got 10 done-one one side. Hopefully they turn out ok. We shall see!

We went over to Jessica's around 6. The boys bbq'd some tri tips, burgers and hot links. I had some tri tip, nachos and potato salad.

Rosie was sleepy most of the time we were there but she came out to eat and play a little bit.

Since Eric was there I asked him to put the picnic table my friends bought for Rosie's birthday together. 

And they got it done!

Ran home for some bug spray. The sun was so red and bright while it was setting. There is a grass fire somewhere so it was a bit smoky in the sky helping for the sunset.

Came back to smores! Daniel was saying want a taste or something like that with his jumbo marshmallow it was so cute.

The wind started kicking up so we had to put the fire out and then we went home.

In bed around 10! So that was a good fun day :)


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