Monday, May 27, 2024


Good morning happy Memorial Day Monday!

Yesterday was pretty busy. To make it fun Scott spent the day trying to die with low blood pressure from taking the meds the Dr prescribed. Good God that man it wearing out his in sickness and in health clause. It finally wore off this morning so he's back to his normal high blood pressure.

Lucy and I wondering where our breakfast is. 
Apparently it doesn't exist today.

Lots of baby love yesterday. Little Nate is happy unless he has a dirty diaper or is hungry. 

He's such a little flirt

He is definitely following everyone around with his eyes now and holding up his head really well. 

TOYS! They have so much fun dumping them all out and finding treasures.

He blinked a bit here but these kids are master popsicle eaters. I've never seen kids be able to eat a red popsicle and it not drip anywhere. 

After they got picked up we went to our friend's house for her birthday. We started off by hanging out in the pool and then hung out in the back yard all day. They have such a nice back yard. All her kids were there so that was nice. 

Here's my what's for dinner. I may have had seconds on that corn stuff. So good! The cake was a coffee ice cream cake. 

I was wide awake at 3 am probably from a cup of coffee while we were hanging out. I finally went back to sleep at some point and then slept til after 8. 

My friend Dee buys the kids clothes all the time I got the mail yesterday and all this was in there for them. She is so sweet. Spoiled by Auntie Dee!

It's almost noon and all I've accomplished today is packing up some eBay pattern sales. Yep still selling patterns. I keep putting them on sale cheaper and cheaper. Gotta move them out!

Going to go look for something to eat then I will work on my purple quilt. Should be able to finish it today I think!

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