Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Good morning happy Tuesday!
Scott has a Dr appointment in a bit and I'm planning on going with him so a work/break/work day today.

Yesterday I went into the office. Found a solution to making eye contact with customers at the front counter lol. I'm not supposed to be helping people at the counter now and it's so awkward when they come in and we make eye contact lol. I usually end up just helping them if that happens. 

I met my friend Eric for lunch at In & Out so that was nice! We are planning to go to Bingo tonight where Jess works. 

I made lasagna roll ups for dinner. I think I used too much spinach because they were icky. I've made them before and liked them so I think that was the problem. I ended up just eating the outside part. 

Simon and I walked while they were cooking. TG no dogs running at us this time. (and yes we ate really late)

No sewing yesterday. Maybe I can sneak in a bit today but probably not!

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