Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Good morning happy Wednesday!

The kids ended up coming over yesterday while their mama was working so we got more cuddle time.
I got Daniel this cute lion shirt at Target, he approved :)

The baby is in the flirting stage. Gah so cute!

I got Rosie this little ride on toy at Goodwill the other day for $4. She likes it!

I put a whole chicken in the crock pot yesterday with a bunch of herbs and a can of diced tomatoes on top. It was yummy.

Probably have left overs tonight or hot dogs. That's about all that is left. I think there is a small pack of ground turkey in the freezer too. Time to do a meal plan and go shopping again. 

Scott left these pictures in my sewing room this morning. His brother must have decided we could have them. Sadly most are ones we already have and not like older pictures. All Scott's childhood pictures disappeared (most likely with his sister...). There are some pictures that are his siblings kids in there too so not sure what to do with those. I guess I could mail them to them if I can get their addresses. 

They have our water turned off this morning to fix a water leak down the street. Hopefully it doesn't take too long to get back on since you can't flush the toilet without water. I've tried to wash my hands like 5 times already. 

Work seems dead today. Had three things to do this morning but I'm done with them already.
Might work on trying to sell some patterns in a FB group today. Really want to get those cleared out! Need to try listing the ones that are more rare on Etsy I guess. 


Due to the huge amounts of Anonymous spam comments I'm going to try the verification for a bit. Sorry, I know it's annoying!