Tuesday, April 9, 2024


Hello happy Tuesday from the office. Just a quick post then I have to get to work ;)

Yesterday Scott brought home the china cabinet from his mom's house. We had to move furniture around a bit to find a spot for it to fit. Still need to rehang my picture. Trevor said we can't ever get rid of the picture lol. I tried to give it away once and all the kids were like wth Mom lol. The big couch is now floating in the room so Tubz is super excited to have fresh material to scratch the hell out of.  Still need to find a place to put that little table on the left too. Might end up in the shed for a bit.

I almost got 2 new quilts worth cut out yesterday. Just need about 16 more squares cut for the fairy one.


We went to BJ's for Melissa & Eric's dinner last night. We had a big table!

My mom, dad, niece Adrian, nephew Tony and Trevor's friend Chloe came along with my kids.

I got chicken parm for my dinner it was pretty good. Still have a piece in the fridge for later if Trevor doesn't eat it. I told him not to ;)

They got pazookies for a free bday dessert

I told Nate to enjoy getting to come as the only child haha. The other 2 were at their Grandpa's on the other side.

The girls got a margarita flight

At the office today so nothing else will get done. Probably pass out when I get home from having to be social all day lol. Have a good one!


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