Sunday, March 3, 2024


Good morning happy rainy Sunday! 
Today is my sister in law Suzie's 3rd birthday in Heaven. 
She would have been 72 today. Scott said we should put a birthday hat on her. 
She's on our bookcase for now. 

Yesterday I went to the post office in Manteca and then made my way to Lodi for lunch with my high school friends.  I saw this truck on the way. It amazes me people pay money to put these type of things on their vehicles. 

My friend Audra made us reservations which apparently are needed since it is super busy. 
This is my friend Twila on the left and Audra on the right. We were all in band together in high school.
Audra was my maid of honor and Twila played the flute at my wedding before/during the ceremony. 

I got the lasagna. Apparently when you order that it comes with ONLY the lasagna. So weird. Where's the green stuff to go with it. Twila got the risotto and Audra got the chicken parm which I was jealous of because she had leftovers lol. 

Desert! Some kind of donut and tiramisu (so good). 

We also had a bottle of wine. 
We only hung out for about an hour and a half or so. I went and hit some thrift stores that were close by and then worked my way towards home. Drove by my mom's but she wasn't there so I didn't stop. It was a nice day thrifting. Only got a little bit of stuff. I found a big steamer pot like I have and got it for Jess. It was only $3. I've never seen one anywhere before. My Grandma Pecka worked at a hardware/home store when I was a kid and she had a magic closet at her house where she stored all her great deals I think she got there. That is where mine came from like 25 years ago or something lol.

When I got home it was after 6 so I asked Scott if he wanted to go to Chili's. I'm addicted to their burgers now. We did that and then went to his mom's house and got some more stuff. 

I was thinking about this the other day. It was hanging on the wall in the living room and I was like did I bring that home before or not? I made it for her back in 1999. I found it in a box of "picture frames" in the garage. 

Scott said he thinks this was his Grandma's and she gave it to his sister Suzie. Last time we were there it was in her closet and this time it was outside? 

Isn't she beautiful! 
It definitely will have to get a new cord before it gets plugged in that thing is scary.

This bag of "trash" was there and I saw some pictures and some of his mom's bowling pins (like the kind you put on your clothes) in there so we just brought it home to go through. I was hoping the papers that were written on were something juicy his mom had journaled but they were just bowling stats and stuff like that. 

I woke up at like 2:30 am feeling uncomfortable. Ended up with indigestion all night so that was fun. I think I finally fell asleep after 4am for a bit then more later after Scott got up. 

This reminds me of Trevor lol

Lucy thinks she has to lay on me all the time. She's a bit heavy!

Tina says why are you still in bed it's way past my breakfast time. 
She definitely needs to be put on a diet. She's so big now.

Today's plans are maybe just sew? I don't really feel like going anywhere after being gone all day yesterday. I'll have to unload my car at some point!

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