Saturday, March 30, 2024


Good morning happy Saturday! Today they are having an Easter Egg hunt down at the campgrounds. Hopefully the rain holds off until after that. I need to take a shower soon so I can go down with Jess.

I got all the boxes from Scott's mom's house into the shed yesterday with Trevor's help. I couldn't even pick up 2 of the boxes he put his trains in so I'm glad he was here. I forgot how many empty tote boxes I have out there. When the weather is nice again I need to go out there and rearrange a bit and I'd like to work on Scott's side since he just throws everything in a heap. 

I got the house picked up and vacuumed just in time for the littles to come over and play. My first time watching baby Nate! Trevor was here but he wouldn't hold him so that wasn't too helpful when Rosie and Nate were both crying at the same time haha. We all survived though.

She was super mad when she woke up so that was the fun part. 

After they left I washed some dishes, put in the chicken pot pie that I bought at Costco and then went and laid on my bed. I got up officially at 9 this morning haha. I did get up several times just not to stay up. I would have been better off sitting in the sewing room than just going to bed, at least I would have done something productive ;)

We have a 20% chance of rain now at 6pm today. Let's hope it does not rain and the sun comes out so it can dry the grass in the front yard and back yard since that didn't get mowed :( If not we'll have a nice long yard for Easter. At least Trevor did the side yard so that isn't bad. I don't expect us to be outside much tomorrow anyways since it's not going to be too hot. 

Today's plan:

Easter egg hunt
clean the ceiling fans
Mac salad
potato salad
maybe make beans, I got all the stuff for that the other day. 

Go through the Easter boxes and decorate or whatever with them. 
Then throw the boxes away because they are old and broken. 

Wash dishes 12 times. 
Maybe clean the shower. 
Maybe clean the porch. 

1 comment:

  1. Only washing dishes 12 times. c'mon there are just 2 of us and it feels like I do that too. :-)


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