Sunday, March 24, 2024


Good morning happy Sunday! 
I'm glad yesterday is over with. I dreaded that memorial service every since I learned about it. 

We started off the day by going to the cemetery for Scott's mom's birthday. She doesn't have a stone yet. We're wondering if his brother bought a stone? We'll have to find out. Also they have no flower holders so that would be nice too. We went and visited the other grandma's (and my one grandpa) while we were there. Then we looked for my old neighbor Hazel from when I was little but never could find her so I'm going to have to ask the office. I remember the general area where she was buried but no luck. It started to rain really good so that was the end of that!

Then we went down to the clubhouse and waited for everyone to get there for Traci's memorial. The church part was at 11 so I figured everyone would be there around 12:30 or so. There was some people but not a lot and then someone said they told the people at the church to come to the hall at 2pm. Wow that was a long break for that. What did they think people from out of town/state were going to do for that long? Anyhow, made it through with only one crying time. TG I got it to turn off after a bit. This was right at the end of that. Not sure what's wrong with my hair lol. Jess didn't come since she didn't have someone to watch the kids for that time and didn't want to chase them around. 

Here's my friends that sat with us. Shirley, Bev P, Bea and Carol. There wasn't as many people as I thought there would be. Only like 3 tables of club people. A bit disappointing but I know a lot of people aren't going out because they are afraid of or are sick.

We stayed for a few hours then came home. After awhile I was like Melissa lets go to Joann's and get some batting. So we did that and then went to Ace and got some flower pots to fix up Ann's plants. I got this pretty little daffodil too. It's so cute they are miniatures.

After we went and got some pizza and went into Dollar General next door to get ranch. I found some cushions for my chairs there for a great price so I'm glad we went in there. One thing marked off my list of to do's for the week.

Today is ugly so far. I'd like to just cocoon in my sewing room for the day. We'll see if that happens or not. 

Rain is showing up on the forecast for Easter now. Easter in March is always disappointing weather wise. 

I've decided to deep clean one room a day this week and that will get stuff nice for Easter lol. I really need to clean the ceiling fans and not fun stuff like that. Spring cleaning I guess! Tomorrow is Scott's Monday off so hopefully he can mow again if it is dry enough.


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