Tuesday, February 6, 2024


Good morning happy what day is it? Tuesday!

The kids came over for awhile yesterday so mom and dad could go to the grocery store. Daniel was dressed appropriately! He's looking for the lion in the animal cookies haha.

Rosie's hair is getting long! The back is all curled up but the front is pretty straight. 

Scott left this chair in the living room so Daniel had to take it out and try it out.

He found out red crayons don't taste good.

Napping with the puppies

My Marketplace buy didn't end up happening yesterday. The lady said the power pole for their place went down and wasn't supposed to be fixed til that night. We'll see if she contacts me again, kind of left it in her court.

Went to Bunco last night and just made my donation. My mom tied with 3 other people for the most buncos so she got $10. 

She gave her friend the cat quilt I made. Look how pretty it is on her bed! What's so funny is her friend had the same cat panels unused and sent them with my mom to give to me and maybe make a chair cushion out of one for her chair. I'll have to give that a try later lol.

Almost done sewing these squares together. Just one more zip with the machine. I think I actually have enough backing fabric that matches for these so I can finish it all up. 

The kids are coming over later while Jess goes to the Dr for her check up. I definitely have to vacuum before they come over. I tape rolled them before they left yesterday lol.


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