Sunday, February 4, 2024


Good morning happy Sunday! 
Today it is a "big storm". Windy and raining.  It said 100% rain for today. You don't see that often lol. I'm glad we don't have any big trees next to our house.

Simon is super pissed she's not outside. I've taken her outside 3 times and then she was happy for like 15 minutes with a bully stick but she just went and yelled at the door again. 

The kids were here for the majority of the day yesterday while little brother got his check up. 

Lots of sitting watching movies lol. Snookie didn't mind too much.

After they got picked up we went to Chili's for dinner. I got their special drink and it was yummy. Finally got a bacon burger that I'd been craving from there.

Afterwards we went to the grocery store and then stopped by Scott's mom's for a minute. I brought home the little shaped soaps and some mermaids for the girls. 

We'll see what happens today! Might try to sew a bit (well cut out some squares). I was going to go check out a fabric buy from Marketplace but we rescheduled for tomorrow since the weather is so bad. 

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