Monday, February 26, 2024


Good morning happy Monday as Mondays can be ;)
Yesterday I went and met up with my old friend Joanne and a coworker friend Carolyn. We all used to work together at one point. Joanne moved back home to Minnesota several years ago. 

We met up in Rio Vista. I don't think I've actually ever stopped in Rio Vista before. It is about an hour away. We ended up eating at Lucy's Cafe because it was one of the only places open past 2pm lol. The town is a bit of a sleeper. 
I got the chicken parmesan which was good but not like the best ever. The garlic bread I ordered as an appetizer was the star of the show. 

After we ate we walked around outside a bit. Carolyn had her dog Clara (she hung out in the car while we ate) and so she was fun to have with us.

We ended up going into a little museum mostly because that was all that was open haha. It was cute and your typical small town museum. We hung out and talked after walking the 2 blocks of downtown for a bit. 

After I went home and then got in the truck with Scott and drove 1/2 way back to take the daybed back to my mom. Look at the roots of the tree in her front yard. So crazy. Glad we got that dropped back off to her. 

In the morning I worked on listing some more fat quarters on the FB group and it was complete crickets. No one must have been in the mood to buy this weekend. I have one more stack to iron out then I'll be through all the boxes. 

Today work is pretty dead. I need to do laundry so I guess I should get on that. I have to go into the office tomorrow. Finally not coughing much so that is good!

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