Monday, February 12, 2024


Good morning happy Monday! 
My last day off until I have to go back to work boooo. I have to go into the office tomorrow too :(

I mostly sewed all day yesterday and did laundry. Here is the finished black dog & truck rag quilt. 
I finished the other one I was working on last night too. It's in the dryer now. Next up is some black and white with a few cats mixed in. I'm waiting on some fabric to come from Etsy that my mom wanted me to get. It is for her friend. After that I might take a break from them for awhile. Time to sew something else lol.

I love this fabric on the back

I need to bring in all the fabric out of my car and figure out what to do with it. Probably use some totes to store it. Most of my empty totes got used for car crap and stuff out in the garage so might get some fresh totes to put them in.

Definitely need to take a shower once I'm done with my morning stuff. I should go to the store but I'm going to try and hold out until tomorrow and just go on the way home from work. Mostly need TP so I can grab that from our little corner store if necessary (on the last roll lol). 

I've been washing all the clothes out in the garage and Scott must have put all the rest of his clothes out there. I was wondering why he hardly had any clothes. I think he was carrying them around in his car or something.  He comes home from his guy trip tomorrow. He's probably going to need a day or two to recover haha. 


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