Sunday, February 11, 2024


Good morning happy Sunday! 

Yesterday I went and shopped the fabric I found on Marketplace. $5 a bolt of fabric. I did not buy everything like I thought about haha. 

Eventually I'll have to go take it out of the car and bring it in lol. Probably later today.

I finished up this quilt yesterday. I love it! If I had it to do over again I would have put the sunflowers diagonal from the trucks instead of next to them. Never quite know how they are going to turn out when you're all done though. 

I've been working on this one now. I have the rows pinned together just have to sew them.

And this will be the last trucks one. This one I am going to donate to the car show.

We had a mess of recycling outside the back door and I finally got it mostly picked up yesterday. I've been trying to get the kids to take it in and no one was doing it so I offered it up on the neighborhood garage sale site. A guy said he'd come get it then Daniel came over and picked out most the cans lol. Hopefully the other guy will still want the rest (I told him some got picked up already).

I'd love to just get rid of everything in the yard and have it super clean. I need to work on that! Of course we have all these half operational things that Trevor and Scott keep not fixing which just clutters everything up too. Sigh. 

OK off to sew! Trying to get all these works in progress done so I can move onto the next project. 

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