Saturday, February 10, 2024


Good morning happy Saturday!
 Three work free days left for me. Whomp Whomp I don't want to go back haha.

Yesterday I got my quilt squares sewn together in rows but didn't the rows sewn together. That's my next thing after I finish here.

The kids came over while Jess went to her appointment. 

Rosie had a nap on the couch where Simon tried to wake her up

and her brother tried to wake her up

and then after she did wake up she was pretty cranky since she's getting some big molars :( Little man was having fun getting into mischief. I was ready for them to go home when they got picked up haha. 

Trevor talked me into letting him use my car to go to work so I took my old car that Scott's been driving down to our little bar. It just has a few miles on it. I think we got our money worth out of that one! Also it pays to marry a mechanic.

Hung out with Sheryl (and Dave for a bit) at the bar and came home when they were closing at midnight. Nice to get out and talk to adults lol.

I got all my under $5 eBay patterns pulled. Now to figure out what to do with them. I think I'm just going to donate them and move them out the door. I have a few bags for donations already. I usually mark patterns I donate with an x on the front so I don't accidentally buy them again lol.

The lady with the fabric bolts sent me a message today that she'd be home so I'm going to go see her at 1. It's about 45 minutes away so a little drive. It will be nice to get out and do something though. I haven't been out of the complex much the last week and a half. 

Ok off to sew those rows! Hoping to get this quilt done today.


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