Sunday, January 7, 2024


Good morning happy Sunday! 
Still coughing ugh. I didn't wake up dying in the middle of the night so that was better. 
I had so much snot this morning when I got up. So gross. Where does it come from? I'm always amazed at home much can keep coming out lol.

First thing when I got up this morning I washed dishes because no one else has washed them and they were grossing me out. Was pretty pissed off the whole time I was washing them but I know that doesn't do any good. Scott started making breakfast before I was done and that was irritating too but I'm hungry so I guess it's ok. He went to the store and got a few things last night. I should have told him to buy some frozen meals because I definitely don't want to cook. I had a can of soup for dinner last night. 

Trevor said he had a fever last night so he's next to get sick :( Kid catches everything. 

Yesterday I worked on cleaning up my scraps. The rose block things ended up just looking like crumb/crazy blocks. I just have a little pile of scraps left sitting here so I think I'll finish them up. 

After that I think I will either start making a purple scrap rag quilt or a vintage sheet one. I need to go get the mail to see how the blanket bags I order work out to store them in. Two quilts will go out next weekend though so I won't have a big pile of them hanging out. 

Brrr it's so cold outside. Just took the dog out and I'm frozen. 



  1. What is cold in California?
    This cold you have sounds dreadful. I hope I do not get this.
    And I too, hate when I'm doing the dishes and he comes in and starts dinner? We don't live in a mansion - you are in my way - wait until I'm done or you do the dishes too. Don't you just wanna say that? :-)

  2. @Peg I think it says feels like 42 or something but I went out with no shoes and shorts too lol.


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