Wednesday, January 31, 2024


Good morning happy Wednesday!

Here is our new baby Nathaniel Paul. He's so cute! 
He was born at 8:01 8 pounds 11 ounces and 21" long. 

My  mom came and brought us lunch and then later watched the kids so I could go see the baby. 

They are doing really good. I braided Jessica's hair before I left. It is so long!

When I went to get on the freeway to come home the exit I needed was closed then I took the next one to circle back to go south and that one was closed too! TG For GPS to get me to finally get on the right direction. I know that area pretty well but not the little section where I ended up. 

Little D was sleeping when I got back but Rosie was wanting to party lol. She finally fell asleep with me around midnight. Little D came in at like 2:30 and then we all slept til 9! My phone had died so my 7am alarm didn't go off. 

The weather this week is gong to suck. Look at all that rain. I hope it's not as bad as they are saying. 

I got Trevor to bring me over some coffee this morning. I don't think they have a coffee pot here anymore. I never had any coffee yesterday and I was dying lol. Maybe in a bit we'll go over to my house. 

Ok off to fold some laundry and play with the kids some more!


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