Sunday, January 28, 2024


Good morning happy Sunday! 

Here is my truck quilt all done! I sold it already too.

The kids came over so their parents could do some cleaning in prep for the new baby. First job for them was to empty the book case shelf lol.

They put themselves in the dog pen and had a great time playing in there 


When your drink becomes their drink

Good way to get them to drink some water I guess haha

Rosie took a pretty good nap. That turtle blanket was mine when I was a baby.

Trying to get him to take a picture with me. He looks so big! He looks a lot like Trevor here.

The kids went home and then we went to the crab feed down at the club house! I was a little disappointed that I didn't end up sitting by either of the people I had attempted to sit with. Someone changed the arrangements around. I told Scott I should just carry in my own table so I can get to sit with who I want. (This happens a lot at these events).  I knew the people we did end up sitting by I know Scott was disappointed because we weren't sitting by his friend.  

I may have cried several times through out the night missing my friend Traci. She was the club party girl. Missed seeing her bopping around :( Part of why I wanted to sit with certain people. First party I went to without her. 

It was fun seeing one of my quilts being raffled off! I think I will make one to donate to the St. Patrick's Day party.  I had several people tell me they were sad they didn't win. 

After the dinner we went into the bar and Scott wanted to go home. He was being a bit of a stick in the mud so he went home and I stayed and hung out (and cried a bit) with some other friends. I got a ride home so it was all good haha. 

No plans for today yet but I think I might end up with the littles at some point. Jess is supposed to go get some blood work done so not sure if that will happen before or after Daniel gets home from work. 

Time to pick out some new fabrics for a new quilt. I asked my FB friends what theme or color I should do next. Here's the answers so far:

Mermaid cats 
Country Themed
Winnie The Pooh (Classic)
Old car theme
Lipstick (this girl always wants lipstick stuff lol)

So guess I'll go rummage in my fabric cabinet and figure out what I want to do :)
Two more sleeps before baby!

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