Thursday, December 7, 2023


Hello happy Thursday! Today is my work Friday since I took tomorrow off for the funeral viewing. That's not til 2 but I have a lot of sick time so I might as well use it. 

Yesterday I traded Jess the kids for the cupcakes to make for awhile.

We watched this story about real wild cats in Africa and it was sad but it was over his head lol. He loves anything with lions. 

Rosie doing a taste of the table while she watches Ms Rachel

She loves her lol

For dinner I made Kung Pao Chicken. I doubled it and we still didn't have any left overs. It's so yummy. Trevor finished his motorcycle class so now he just has to take the paper to DMV when he gets it and he'll have a motorcycle license. Booo

I got the edges serged on the quilt backing fabric but haven't made it out to the garage to wash it yet. I decided to start on some more bags for the booth and using fabric up. I pulled out all my unicorn fabrics and a bunch up for bags. There is still a little bit left back in the cabinet. I'm still working on matching up fabrics for the linings. I stayed up until after 11 working on them.

This morning the kids came over again so Jess could go get the glucose test done. She said she ended up throwing up once it was all finished with and felt yucky when she got here. Hopefully she feels better after she eats some food.

Fishy buffet. I'm about out of kids snacks since they've been here 3x this week lol. Have to restock for Sunday.

He had on backwards jammies so he'd leave them on when he was sleeping. Worked good he couldn't get them off at all.

They just went home a bit ago. Listening to a teams meeting where I don't know what they are talking about and it's not in my need to know but it's one of my offices so I just hang out til they ask me a question. Half the time I have to ask them to repeat it since I start to zone out when they are talking about stuff.

Oh my friend Kristin who moved to Vermont's friend Brooke, who is also my coworker in another office and I are maybe planning a trip to NY! I've never been to NY before or to Kristin's house in Vermont. The only East Coast state I've been to is North Carolina. Brooke has a free companion plane ticket that she offered up to me to go. We are looking for the beginning of April at the moment. Easter is March 31st in 2024. I like it much better when it's in April! So that should be fun if it works out. 

I need to to go the store at some point and get stuff for after the funeral on Saturday. I think I will go after work today OR tomorrow morning but today would be better I think. I have darts tomorrow night too. I was thinking of maybe getting a sub but I think by 7 I should be fine to go. 

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