Saturday, December 2, 2023


Good morning happy Saturday!

Yesterday I was looking through my scrapbooks for a picture of Scott's mom to use for her services. It was fun looking through them. I need to get back to scrapbooking. All these pictures just hanging out in the cloud. 

I found this and thought it was funny. That's my mom's writing for my name and the date. She must have sent away for it or something.

I think this is my favorite one to possibly use. I sent it to Scott so he can maybe tell them to use it if his brother didn't already pick something. 

After work I did some cooking. I made this soup which I didn't try yet but I know I made it once before.  Italian Vegetable Soup. I like to have soup for lunch so that is why I made it. Good filler food.

and Beef enchiladas. They were a little spicy but good. 

I made some Mexican Rice A Roni and forgot to turn the heat down so it cooked REAL QUICK lol. I had to add some extra water to it and scrape it off the bottom of the pan but it survived. I forgot to buy more vegetables for dinners. Pretty much sick of salads. It was fine though. 

I made 12 blue blocks to add to the quilt. I think I will make 12 green and 12 yellow ones now and then see how they look all together. Oh I made 2 more blue and yellow blocks too to round out the ones that were missing from before.

Yesterday I took some old blood pressure meds I had stopped taking because they made me have leg cramps. I was thinking that my new meds was the same but it must be just a tiny bit different because oh boy do my legs hurt now. Have to go pick up my refill of the good stuff today and the old ones are going into the trash.

Trevor worked from 11-4 or something last night. I was awake around 4 feeling Scott's anxiety buzzing over to me (and my legs were bothering me) so I heard Trevor come in. Eventually Scott went onto the couch and I fell back to sleep after awhile.

When I got up I was like what no coffee? That's my perk for him being home and no perk today ;) I told him and after I went grocery shopping and cooked for you too! Just kidding of course but had to make my own coffee this morning.

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