Friday, October 27, 2023


Good morning happy Friday!

This is what Snookie does for like 1/2 the day now. She scratches on the front door and mean mugs me. I think she's just bored and sad that Rusty is gone and Simon is outside. If I put her outside and leave her she barks like a crazy dog so that lasts like 1 minute. 

Finished these Wednesday night. They look better in person I promise lol.

Trevor took Simon to a dog park yesterday and she met some cousins

I worked in the office yesterday and got the last of the letters out and was busy all day long. It took me most of the morning to get all my emails caught up. I have 6 more while I'm taking a break. Every one is busy busy right now. I love it. Way better than being bored all day.

After work I went to the store and got some groceries, ran home and threw them in the fridge. Then I went to darts! We have two subs for the 2 other girls on our team last night. I guess Lana fell (she's the older lady on our team) and Mary has been on vacation for a month. Hopefully she comes back soon. We ended up winning all but one game last night. I won two games so that was fun! I hung out in the bar for a little bit and watched my friends play pool. I didn't want to stay too long though since Simon was in her crate with a giant bone I bought her. (Trevor finally was at work).

I sent this to my 2 buddies and said "look it's us" lol.

Today's plan is to do nothing except work and maybe some sewing. Getting tired of coasters so might put away what's left of the scraps I've been working on for next year.

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