Tuesday, September 12, 2023


Hello happy what day is it? Tuesday! Darts today! It feels like it should be at least Thursday. They added a 3rd dart board in the kitchen since we have so many teams now so that will be interesting and probably a bit chaotic too. They raised the price per player to $7 so $2 more than before so we can have more prize money at the end. 

Last night I had Bunco. Here is a bunco score card like we use. There are 3 tables with 4 people at each table. Who ever sits across kitty corner from you is your partner. 

One table is the head table. The had table rings the bell. Once one of the partners teams gets to 21 they ring the bell and the game is over.

So the bell rings and each person rolls the dice for a turn around the table trying to get 3 1's. If you get 3 1's that's a bunco worth 21 points. If you get any dice with a 1 you count that as "1" and keep rolling until you don't get any 1's. So if you roll a 1, 2, 3  you get 1 point. If you roll a 1, 1, 3 you get 2 points.

After the bell rings who ever has the most points puts a W on next to the 1's on the card, the winners get up and move to the next table but their previous partner is not their partner now you partner with someone else at the table. Now you do 2's. If you get 3 2's you get a bunco. Make sense at all?

At the end of the night the people who has the most of the 3 things on the bottom win money (we pay $5 a night to play). Last night I had 1 bunco, 13 wins and 11 losses or something like that. So I didn't win anything lol.

I watched the kids for a little bit yesterday so Jess could run an errand and take a break. Daniel was in crazy mode. At one point I thought he was going to climb the bookcase. I need to get Scott to screw them into the wall now. 

Little Miss wanted to be held a lot. She likes to snuggle.

I thought for sure she was going to fall asleep but she laid like this for like 20 minutes then got up and played lol.

Hmm where did the couch cushions go?

Great fun!

Snookie has taken over Scott's side of the bed. Today she was all snuggled in on his pillows when I woke up. Maybe some day he'll sleep there again. 

Lucy didn't want her picture taken apparently.

Ugh I'm so tired of working with 5 different not my bosses but office bosses. 3 out of 5 get hyper and the other 2 forget I exist. Today my boss sent out our instructions for our end of the year review along with a "survey" with all our job things we are supposed to do and do you do this yes or no. I don't think that really fits the definition of a survey lol. I'll never understand the way they do our reviews. We basically have to review ourselves. Too bad we can't just give ourselves a rating and a raise too. 

I spent all morning working on letters that could be a phone call. I'll mail those out on Thursday. The site I have to use kept doing this every other click. Freaking annoying. 

Every time Trevor coughs or sneezes he gets mad and yells about it. So that's fun. He's off work today so glad I have darts later lol.


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