Wednesday, July 5, 2023


Hello! Happy Humpday!

Yesterday was a pretty nice day. I made my soup finally. I had some this morning after I skimmed the fat off (I kept stressing about how the recipe said to keep the bacon fat in and that it was going to make me sick so I skimmed it off.)  I forgot to take a picture but it was good! I'd probably leave the chard out next time since that was kind of not in my texture realm.  And drain most the fat ;)

I made the mac salad to take to my brothers too and then just played in my sewing room until it was time to go. Scott went to the store to get us some breakfast stuff so I had him pick up burgers and stuff. 

I was playing around with some zipper pull ideas. I have a box of bead stuff that I had and then gave to Jess and then it came back lol but these little beads match perfect. I made my first tassel. It's a bit too fat but still cute. I decided I needed some little hooks to put the stuff on to attach to the zipper so I ordered some from Amazon. 

I bought these flamingo charms a little bit ago

I love all this gal's stuff on Instagram. So bright and she does scrappy too. I was looking at how she did some of her zipper pulls, some have little clasps but these ones she just used little rings. 

My brother's house was pretty chill. My brother Joe didn't come so no littles. Louie's littles are like 9 now so not so little anymore.

They were having a great time with this fly "swatter". When it zaps a fly it makes a pop sound. Kind of satisfying lol. I might need one.

Their dog Sadie just loves the kids. She got in the pool with them (she's a GoldenDoodle)

Chilling with Scott

My mom bought stuff for the kids, they had fun with them

Dinner! We stayed until a little after 8 then left so Scott could get to his mom's and we'd miss some of the crazy people setting off fire works in all the streets. We saw so many on the way home. It's amazing how many people pay to light their money on fire ;)

Right after Scott left our house I realized we didn't have any hot water. Trevor relit the pilot light this morning though and got it back on. YEAH!!  It's probably getting close to 5 years old now so will want to die. They are not cheap in California. I just looked to see when I bought the last one but the only post I find is 2012 and I'm pretty sure we've bought one since then. 

Jess sent me pictures of the kids on the way to their other Grandpa's.

Her tiny pony kills me, so cute lol

Tina was extra clingy for a bit but she finally moved away lol. She loves me. She is kind of cute even though she knocks all my stuff over. 

This morning I called the Dr office since my stomach is still a bit off. They are on vacation but the receptionist got the Dr to call me for a phone appointment. She wants me to do a stool sample. So gross. I did go get the stuff to do it but now my body is like poop? What poop? We don't have no poop.  Hopefully eventually I can perform so I can drop the samples off tomorrow before swimming at my friends (after work). I'm not as bad today but still cramping. I don't want to be sick for my little trip on Sunday!

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