Tuesday, July 4, 2023


Good morning happy FOURTH OF JULY! It's only supposed to be 96 today woohoo lol. I got up this morning and made a macaroni salad and a soup recipe.  Scott is here now making us breakfast at 11 am lol. He hit the store and got us the last bit of stuff to take to my brother's house later so we can just drive straight there.

I finished all my zip bags I was working on yesterday.

I got some little flamingo charms I want to try and make some cute zipper pulls with. We'll see how that goes lol.

I got done just in time to make the food for Bunco and get ready to go. I made these beef enchiladas. They were really good. Trevor and Scott ate the left overs. I forgot to take a picture of them since it was super hot and I had to get it in the car and was almost running late. I won for the most "losses" so got my $5 back lol. Hey if you're going to be losing go big right?

My stomach is still messed up a bit. Hoping I don't have some kind of stomach infection type thing that requires going to the dr. That doesn't sound fun. Hopefully it clears up soon. 

Well I've got like 2 hours then I need to get ready to go. Not sure if I'll go in the pool or not. Probably just my feet although it will be hot today!


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