Monday, July 31, 2023


Good morning happy back to work Monday! I'm almost caught up with work just have to do a couple more letters. I'll have to go mail them tomorrow. Hopefully all the equipment will be working correctly.

Babysitting went pretty good yesterday until about 8 when Daniel had enough of us and wanted to go home. His dad was home so I took them home. Then he wanted to leave with me again when I left lol. Crying one way or another! Time for bed!

These two have become pretty good buddies. Snookie makes some awful noises when they play but it's all fun for them.

Me and the little cutie. Hopefully they don't still have stomach flu germs and I didn't give them my stuffy nose.

Daniel is so cute when he wants to sit with Scott.

Today I want to go pick up my sewing machine but they close at 3 so not sure if I will get there since it is already almost 12 and I need to jump in the shower. 

Here's a few more pictures from my trip. We went into the little downtown touristy area and went through the shops. They are so cute! By the end though we were like not another t shirt place. Also if anyone wants to open a plus size t shirt shop there you'd probably do great. Finding a shirt in a size about L is pretty much non existent. Fat people travel too!

More elk hanging out with the tourists!

We found the public parking and the public bathroom by the raging river creek lol

Cute shops

Lots of pretty planters

I took this picture for Chris from Diet Coke Rocks since she collects Britto

Scott should make stuff like this and make us rich

This fabric deer was so cool

Just 2 grand plus

Hundred and a half for a cool pillow

loved this stuffed animal store

Whiskey sampling!

The garden and the glass here was so pretty!

After walking around town we went to the movies and saw the Barbie movie! I only nodded off for a little bit haha. Sheesh it's so annoying when I do that. The movie was actually a bit deeper than I was thinking it would be. 

See you tomorrow!

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