Sunday, July 30, 2023


Good morning! Happy Sunday! Tina is helping me type this morning.  She's been extra loving since I got back from my trip. I guess she likes me haha.

I spent most of yesterday cleaning up my sewing room. What a mess! I got most of the loose fabric cleaned up although I just looked over and there is a little bit on the tv tray next to me. I serged a bunch of the cut edges on fabric that needs to be washed. So much better that way. Keeps it from getting all unraveled and wrapped up in the washing machine. 

I switched up some boxes to the cardboard ones. So much better to keep the fabric from getting dusty.  Although I do like being able to see all the colors. 

I should have taken a before picture. I can actually get over to the closet now. I cleaned up the 3 shelves on the top left. I need to do the bottom ones. I have a lot of stuff saved to scrapbook. I think I will try and do a bit a week to get that stuff cleaned up. My friend Sarah still scrapbooks and she was motivating me a bit talking about working on her albums. If nothing else getting the rest of the kids school stuff in albums would be nice. I picked up one more album and 3 packs of page protectors on our trip. We went to a couple thrift stores and I got the album for $3 and the page protectors came from a craft resell place for $4 a pack. I definitely can use those.

I need to clean up the little bit that ended up back on the desk. That bag of pictures came from Scott's mom's house. All pictures of my kids that she took.

I cleaned under the desk. The light pink album is the new one I got. All those albums I got for $3 or less. They are so expensive to get online now.

I am thinking of picking a box here and start selling them in remnant lots. I have too many boxes and they are starting to tumble lol. NOT GOOD!

I put this stuff out for free last night. The baskets and the bag are gone so that is good since they take up room. Anything left over I'll put in the car to take to donate. I might see if the sewing machine guy would like the serger to fix up or use for parts. I have to go pick up my sewing machine tomorrow. He said he got it all fixed up.

Found this picture of Jessica while I was cleaning. It was her first picture. She was so tiny! Her hair would stand straight up but if I got it a little wet it would curl. She is only 7 weeks old here.

She's about 3 here vacuuming at Grandma's. Disgustingly that carpet was old then and it's still there. 

Trevor made us some spam rice things for dinner last night. He bought himself some little tools to make it look pretty. They are good and I had one more after this one.  Now if he'd just wash the dishes when he's done it would be great. 

I didn't even talk about my trip yet! After looking at day 2 pictures I'll just share our breakfast. We took so many pictures!

For breakfast we went to Notchtop

Sarah got this interesting looking cinnamon roll French toast

Bacon and eggs for me. It was all yummy. 

I just had coffee but did you know a screwdriver is a morning cocktail? lol

After breakfast we went to Starbucks for more coffee for Sarah. I got a strawberry lemonade thing. Someone made all these great signs on their chalkboards. Someone has some talent!

We decided Starbucks had the best pooping bathrooms haha. They were fully enclosed stalls so nice and private. We may have went back again another day lol. After Starbucks we went into town. I'll save that for tomorrow!

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