Wednesday, July 19, 2023


 Hello happy hump day!

I've been in fabric land all day today. I got 2 posts up, one this morning 

and this evening. I sold a bit! I will be in the profit if everyone pays lol.

This is my junk pile so far. I put out for free for the neighbors. A lot of it is just too heavy to ship and or not really desirable to make it worth the effort. Also not stuff I would really use myself.

I still have 2 or 3 bags and 3 boxes left in the car to go through. Also one batch of stuff I put through the washing machine. OH and a bag of patterns, my favorite. 

I need to clean up what is left from the last batch I put on the FB group and find a box to put it in. Trying use my existing boxes we have around here since they are just temporary. Tempted to just keep doing a post a day and sell some of the other stuff I have.  

My lower stomach area is cramping a bit. Hoping that my bladder infection isn't coming back. Ugh. Why can't I just be well? My lower back area has been hurting too. This is PMS week too so that doesn't help. Wish that Aunt Flo would kick it already. We don't need you here!

Anyhow, guess I'll go figure out what to make for dinner too. Kind of hungry ;)


  1. Julie, Don't wait too long if this isn't menstrual related okay?
    As for Aunt Flo, I recall when having my uterus removed at age 45 after dealing with fibroids that women would say to me, "oh won't you miss your period?" Oh hell no. "oh you won't feel like a woman?"
    she actually told me it was sad because I'm less of a woman. @#$!%#!
    Ah, that won't be the case and are you friggin' nuts? People are rude.
    I loved not having a period. I wasn't having children so who needs the womb. I was in constant pain prior so now no pain and can wear white pants whenever I want to. So I get what you are saying!! Maybe you're in the beginning of menopause. I don't know your age but by 51 most women are done with all this BS. Hopefully you'll get answers soon.

  2. @Peg I'm 49 so she's leaving soon haha. My mom and her mom had a hysterectomy so I'm not sure what is normal for our family other than getting it yanked out!


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